Seerah 4: The Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad(saw)

Having an understanding of the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) is essential to establish the framework of the life of the Prophet Muhammad(saw). The speaker takes us through the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) as…

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Hukum Shari and Maslahah_ Islamic Ruling and Benefit

Muslims are quite aware that our success lies in following the Hukm Shar’i (Islamic Ruling) according to the Qu’ran and Sunnah. However, Muslims have been introduced to the concept of Maslahah(benefit) being used as a…

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Seerah 2: Religions of Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic religion in Arabia consisted of indigenous polytheistic beliefs, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. It is important to understand the context in which arose the ideology of Islam.

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Pre-Islamic Arab Society

To understand the Islamic ideology that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) conveyed and the effects that this ideology had on society, it is necessary to understand ethnic, geographic, social, cultural, economic, and religious features of the…

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Understanding Taqwa & Nationalism- The Kurds and Kashmir Example

The speaker reminds us of the dangerous of Nationalism and the importance of Taqwa in light of the Muslim situation of the Kurds and Kashmir.

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Introduction to the Significance of the Seerah- Life of the Prophet Muhammad(salla-Allahu alaihi wa sallam)

Mankind is in desperate need of the way of life Rasool-Allah brought. They may not perceive it, but it is our duty as Muslims to know Rasool-Allah’s Message and then carry it. The life of…

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Neglecting the Accountability of Rulers

Rulers in a Muslim society are supposed to represent the authority which people placed to look after their affairs and safeguard their interests, based on the Islamic creed that the society has agreed upon. When…

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The Prophetic Manner of Dealing with Problems in the Muslim World

A Muslim Activist draws focus on the examples from the Seerah(life) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) for solutions to the problems facing the Muslim World today.

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