Seerah 20: The treacherous journey (Hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Makkah to Madinah

Having a bounty set by the Quraish of 100 camels for the capture of the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) on the migration (Hijrah) to Madinah, spurred many persons to try their luck at capturing and collecting the…

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Treaty of Al Hudaybiyah and Hilf ul Fudul

These days we see a disturbing trend where Muslim leaders are willing to compromise any of the hukum (commandments) of Allah(swt), in order to make peace treaties to give up Palestine, Kashmir and most recently…

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Authority of the Sunnah

The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Saw) has been accepted as an important source of Islamic law, next in importance only to the Holy Qur’an. This status of the Sunnah has remained unchallenged and undisputed…

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Saving ourselves from Despair

Many times, at the peak of our challenges, there is the temptation to give into despair. We wonder why life seems to be going well for everyone except us, or why we go from one…

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