Historically for human civilizations, shorter days and longer nights in the winter solstice was a time for contemplation, as the cold would push families together for warmth and the lamps would be illuminating the dark streets. It was a time for assessing our priorities, praying the long nights and fasting the short days and remembering Allah (swa) as often as we can. What you are feeling is from Allah, today we are made to think Coca and Christianity came up with Winter, they have branded it, but no Allah has given us this precious time... Keep Reading »
Br. Uthman Badar speaks about the past, present and future of shari'ah law and the rise, fall and revival of Islam in today's context. This lecture was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organized by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUMSAsydney Twitter: @SUMSAsydney Website: www.sumsa.org.au Keep Reading »
Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? - By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same. Keep Reading »
Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? - By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same. Keep Reading »
Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? - By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same. Keep Reading »