Muslim panel forum on TodayTonight (17 Sept. 2012) discussing the insulting film of the Prophet (saw) and the protest in Sydney that turned violent. Panelists: Uthman Badar, Randa Abdul-Fatteh, Maha Abdo, Joe Hilderband, Jalal, and Rebecca Kay. This is the complete unedited version of the forum. Uthman Badar (media representative of Hizb ut Tahrir) speaking at: 00:36, 08:45, 11:44, 15:15, 19:41, 26:58, 32:06, 34:54 Keep Reading »
For more: This is a video of the Muslim community protest for Syria held on Jan 21, 2012 at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, Sydney, Australia. This video is of the entire protest, including all talks, chanting and videos. The content breakdown is as follows: Pictures - 0:00 Chants - 3:50 MC Intro - 6:37 Sh. Shady Suleiman speech - 11:32 Video - protests in Syria - 21:45 Video - Labbaka ya Allah - 22:40 Dr. Louay Abdulbaki speech (Arabic) - 28:10 Sh. Mostafa Mohamed speech - 42:18 Dr. Tamer Kahil speech - 56:18 Video - Zainab poem - 1:02:24 Sh. Tarek el-Bikai speech (Arabic) - 1:11:10 Sh. Khaled Taleb (Arabic) - 1:18:49 Video - Homs pledge - 1:37:39 Sh. Mustapha al-Majzoub speech - 1:41:48 Hasan speech - 1:50:10 MC conclusion - 1:58:20 Keep Reading »
25th December 2011Speaker: Forid Miah Talk: Meeting Death 2011 - The year in which the catalyst of Tunisia spread through the Middle East awakening the souls and the minds of the Ummah to a level of courage unprecedented. Muslims across the globe have shown their courage and have not hesitated to shake the thrones of the present day tyrants. The struggle continues between truth and falsehood but the flame that ignites this courage for the work to re establish Islam is none other than you and I. The Call of Duty event will clarify the role and importance of the youth in establishing the deen. Keep Reading »
A panel of four people from diverse backgrounds and age groups who have embraced Islam during their lives will chat about their stories, the reasons why they became convinced about Islam, and the struggles and challenges, as well as the sources of inspiration, they encountered along the way. Panelists: Sean McNulty Judith Amed Charlie Elias Philip Hristov This event was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organized by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook: Twitter: @SUMSAsydney Website: Keep Reading »
Sheikh Abu Talha in his unimitable style, using his extensive knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah and the Islamic history delivered this wonderful lecture to inspire and encourage the Muslims to look at the Quran and the Sunnah as a source of complete guidance and to learn from the life of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) to try to emulate his (SAWS) actions to work for the revival of Islam with the correct perspective towards this life and the world. Keep Reading »
This is the continuation of lecture series on systems of Islam by Dr Malkawi. In this series Dr Malkawi had discussed different aspects of Social system in Islam such as View of women in Islam, Respect of parents, Man Women relationship in Islam, Importance of family relationship(sulah rahma), Honor of women in Islam followed by important Q&A Keep Reading »