The first task to which the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) attended on his arrival in Madinah was the construction of a Mosque, in the very site where his camel knelt down. In Islam, the mosque is a…

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Crises such as the Coronavirus pandemic test our Imaan and our belief in Allah (swt). The speaker analyzes the recent panic and actions of the Muslims and provides profound guidance on the Muslim response.  …

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On the arrival of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), he and the Companions faced a situation quite different than the oppression experienced in Makkah. In Madinah, all the affairs of their life rested in their…

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Having a bounty set by the Quraish of 100 camels for the capture of the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) on the migration (Hijrah) to Madinah, spurred many persons to try their luck at capturing and collecting the…

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These days we see a disturbing trend where Muslim leaders are willing to compromise any of the hukum (commandments) of Allah(swt), in order to make peace treaties to give up Palestine, Kashmir and most recently…

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The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Saw) has been accepted as an important source of Islamic law, next in importance only to the Holy Qur’an. This status of the Sunnah has remained unchallenged and undisputed…

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Many times, at the peak of our challenges, there is the temptation to give into despair. We wonder why life seems to be going well for everyone except us, or why we go from one…

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Muslims & non-Muslims, youth and old are all experiencing feelings of despair, anxiety and a general feeling of hopelessness in light of the world affairs. The speaker explains how Islam provides humanity a comprehensive mechanism…

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When the Messenger of Allah migrated to Madinah, the period of thirteen years in Makkah ended. It is useful to summarize this period, and gain understanding on the challenges the Prophet (saw) faced and how…

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As presented by the stories in Surah Al-Buruj, the speaker relects and empowers the youth about the test of steadfastness for those in pursuit of Haq (truth) to aquire Sabr and to become strong in…

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