Attaining an understanding of the strategies one needs to work for the mission of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) begins with an analysis of the Seerah of the Prophet(saw). The speaker provides deep insight into the strategies…

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The speaker answers the profound question on whether we Muslims can question our Scholars or should we follow them without account.                            …

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Assimilation is a call to Muslims to abandon Islamic beliefs in favor of Western beliefs. Moreover, it is to the extent the Western Beliefs such that the Islamic beliefs become indistinguishable. The speaker reminds our…

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The hijrah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(saw) was an event we can all identify with as Muslims. It is the momentous event in the Prophet’s (saw) life, which changed the course of human history and…

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Staggering statics point to serious problems facing youth in the United States as well as around the world. Be aware that Muslim Youth are not immune to the ills of the society we live in….

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Uncertainty was the key element the Muslims faced when migrating to Madinah.  Aside from giving up their families, wealth and belongings, the migrant could not expect full security on their journey. Despite the grave situation,…

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Mus’ab ibn ‘Umayr (ra) was sent to Madinah and cultivated it to become the first Islamic State within one year. Imagine, one Companion of the Messenger of Allah (saw) Mus’ab ibn ‘Umayr (ra), was enough…

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During these times of difficulties for the Muslims of India, the khateeb reminds us of the examples and advices of the Prophet (saw) on how seek the solution for the problem.        …

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It was during the pilgrimage season, in the eleventh year of Prophethood, that six people from Madinah (Yathreb) embraced Islam and promised to communicate the Message of Islam their city. The Prophet(saw) gave them the…

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The creed of ‘la illah illah Allah Muhammad Rasuul Allah’ must drive the Ummah beyond the current status quo and try to search for ending this miserable situation the Ummah is in. Victory is for…

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