Christmas is a time of the year when Muslims are under great pressure to participate in the holiday festivities. Whether its Muslim children joining in at their school play or their parents attending the customary…

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The Hukm Shar’ai (the Divine Law) is the speech or command of Allah (swt),legislator and relates to the actions of his slaves that are accountable to Allah(swt). The criterion of what is lawful (halal) and…

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The Prophet (saw) clearly rejected any offers from the Kuffar as they attempted to compromise and dilute Islam. The speaker discusses the compromises offered by the Kuffar of Mecca in context of the reality of…

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The speaker clarifies whether it is permissible to interchange the name of Allah(swt) with the word “God” in discussions with the society and more specifically in interfaith discussions.

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Understanding Atheism- Abu Talha Part 2 of 2 The Atheist Foundation of Australia defines atheism as: “the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods…

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Understanding Atheism- Abu Talha Part 1 of 2 The Atheist Foundation of Australia defines atheism as: “the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods…

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When it appeared that there was going to be no deescalation in the violence against and persecution of the Muslims by the Quraysh, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) allowed some Muslims to leave Makkah, and to…

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A profound look into what it truly means to be a Muslim in the context of today’s society.                                   …

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Speaker provides a comprehensive view of Islam on campus to counter the misunderstandings and false narratives that exist among students.                               …

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Understanding the responsibilities that Islam has placed upon every Muslims is central to our success in the Duniya and Akira.                               …

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