Pre-Islamic religion in Arabia consisted of indigenous polytheistic beliefs, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. It is important to understand the context in which arose the ideology of Islam.

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To understand the Islamic ideology that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) conveyed and the effects that this ideology had on society, it is necessary to understand ethnic, geographic, social, cultural, economic, and religious features of the…

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The speaker reminds us of the dangerous of Nationalism and the importance of Taqwa in light of the Muslim situation of the Kurds and Kashmir.

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Mankind is in desperate need of the way of life Rasool-Allah brought. They may not perceive it, but it is our duty as Muslims to know Rasool-Allah’s Message and then carry it. The life of…

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Rulers in a Muslim society are supposed to represent the authority which people placed to look after their affairs and safeguard their interests, based on the Islamic creed that the society has agreed upon. When…

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A Muslim Activist draws focus on the examples from the Seerah(life) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) for solutions to the problems facing the Muslim World today.

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Dr. Mohammad Malkawi, author of Fall of Capitalism & Rise of Islam, discusses current challenges in today’s economic system, the failures of Capitalism in addressing those challenges, and the Islamic solution and response. The topics…

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An in-depth understanding of the concept of accountability in Islam. The speaker reminds us of Allah’s(swt) warning about the certainty of the day of judgement and Allah’s(swt) promise of accountability of mankind.

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Working for Real Change – Our Responsibility – Talk2 May 2012 Slough

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A talk on how should the Muslim community respond to the attacks, the important of engaging and giving dawah and addressing issues with the imams and mosque community.

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