Question and Answer Session with the audience on how should the Muslim community respond to the attacks, the important of engaging and giving dawah and addressing issues with the imams and mosque community.

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Anas May Allah be pleased with him narrates that Rasullullah May Allah send peace and blessings upon him said: “Definitely, the inhabitants of Jannah will visit a market every Friday. A northly wind will blow and it will spread goodness upon their faces and clothes causing them to increase in beauty. They will then return to their wives after having become more beautiful than they were before. Their wives will say to them, “We swear by Allah, you have definitely increased in beauty”. They will also say to their wives, “We swear by Allah, you have also increased in beauty.”

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Sr. Olisyah Azis gives a talk on the role of women in Islam and the rights that Islam affords them, contrary to common stereotypes of Muslim women. This lecture was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook: – Twitter: @SUMSAsydney – Website:

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Status of women in Islam is the much misunderstood idea. In this lecture many of the misunderstood concepts about how Islam view women had been addressed from Quran and Sunnah.

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Very good explanation from Sheik Abu Talha as to why Muslims today in general does not have the same behavior as the first generation of Muslims (Companions of prophet(sas)). Abu Talha (Dr. Malkawy) also explains the understanding of Iman and how the companions of prophet(sas) understand Iman and the force behind them that increases there Iman stronger.

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Why we Muslim? Seems very basic question but has profound meaning

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Abutalha lecturing at Turkish Islamic Center. Who is the Aaalim ???? in Islam? The real Aalim does not compromise the truth for any price. Milwaukee Wisconsin. Part 2 of 2.

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Who is better_ The brave young Muslim or the learned _scholar_ who defends the tyrants_dictators_.mp4

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Abutalha lecturing at Turkish Islamic Center. Who is the Aaalim ???? in Islam? The real Aalim does not compromise the truth for any price. April 20, 2013 – Milwaukee Wisconsin

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LAUNCH EVENT: WHO IS AHMAD? Sheikh Wessam Cherkawi
The Islamic Society of the University of New South Wales (ISOC) invites you to its major awareness campaign for 2012 — Islamic Awareness Week 2012 — our most exciting and comprehensive yet. We delve into the questions people have about Islam, and give you a bit of everything — Islamic history, Islamic practices, Islamic culture, beliefs, its views on women, its economics, and everything in between. Througha series of exciting talks by energetic and engaging speakers, multicultural food events, movie nights and our big final event, we invite you to open your mind, critique, inquire and learn about the way of life subscribed to by 1.5 billion.

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