Who Am I? Claiming my Muslim Identity
Keep Reading ->Ramadan Reflection Day 9- Zakat and the Role of Leadership– Dr. Abdul Wahid
March 9, 2025
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Who Am I? Claiming my Muslim Identity
Keep Reading ->In the month of Ramadhan, the opportunities to develop oneself are immense. However, it often happens that we do not know where to begin our processes of change and development. This halaqa highlights the 2 necessary faculties which all of us MUST develop in order to achieve the Islamic character in this blessed month of Ramadhan and beyond – leading us to do actions for the ultimate objective of seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt).
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that he said:
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Surely, Allah, The Exalted, said, “Whoever shows enmity to an ally of Mine, I have waged war upon him. My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than what I have obligated upon him. My servant continues to draw near to Me with the voluntary acts until I love him. Once I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he grasps, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask of Me, I would surely grant it to him. If he were to seek refuge with Me, I would surely protect him.”
Keep Reading ->A in-depth understanding of the concept of “Hikmah” from the Islamic Perspective.
Keep Reading ->This is based on the various tafaseer of Surah Baqarah Ayah 30.
When Allah sent Adam (as) to earth and taught him a word of repentance, Adam (as) was also instructed to act as a ‘Khalifah’ on earth, which meant taking the authority with the burden of responsibility that came with it, In fact living by the laws of Allah when exercising authority and responsibility ON ANY LEVEL is a means for forgiveness. The third meaning of ‘Khalifah’ is ‘successors’ which includes the progeny of Adam (as), and so living under Islamic rule or working to implement Islam is a mercy and a forgiveness for the ones who work for it and the Ummah.
Sheikh Abu Talha explains about the Islamic perspective and the implications of ruling in the west or in non-Islamic systems. Does the voting become justified or halal because it is being done to elect the ‘lesser of two evils’? What are the implications of voting for one of the evils on our life in this world and akhirah? Watch this brief explanation, comprehend and share with fellow Muslims.
Keep Reading ->*Very informative* talk by Sheikh Abu Talha in USA during the Qiyam ul Layl program in Ramadan, Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the various values of Ramadan a Muslim should actively seek to gain the maximum benefit from this blessed month. Sheikh Abu Talha reminds how the month of Ramadan is closely linked to the revelation of the Quran and gives insight into this special relationship between Ramadan and the Revelation. The various values of Ramadan explained in this talk are:
1- Supreme Values of Ramadan
2- Personal Values of Ramadan
3- Structural values of Ramadan
4- Political values of Ramadan
5- Historical values of Ramadan
*Very informative* talk by Sheikh Abu Talha in USA during the Qiyam ul Layl program in Ramadan, Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the various values of Ramadan a Muslim should actively seek to gain the maximum benefit from this blessed month. Sheikh Abu Talha reminds how the month of Ramadan is closely linked to the revelation of the Quran and gives insight into this special relationship between Ramadan and the Revelation. The various values of Ramadan explained in this talk are:
1- Supreme Values of Ramadan
2- Personal Values of Ramadan
3- Structural values of Ramadan
4- Political values of Ramadan
5- Historical values of Ramadan
Speaker: Ustadh Yahya Nesbit
Talk: The Struggle to maintain the distinct Islamic identity
Therefore proclaim openly, that which you are commanded, and turn away from Al-Mushrikun (Al-Hijr:94)
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain: Annual Ramadhan Ijtima 2013
The Prophet’s Ramadhan – Month to Struggle for Islam
“It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.” 9:33
The Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) demonstrated that Ramadhan was the month to struggle for establishing the Deen of Allah in society and state.
The Prophet SAW carried the intellectual struggle of the Qur’an in Makkah and then the practical struggle of establishing Islam in society in Madinah and then the global struggle to carry Islam to the world.
This is the very nature of this Qur’an that Muslims are reciting every day in Ramadhan — a message of struggle against all forms of jahilliyah.
This is the Prophet’s Ramadhan and this is what the Muslims today need to emulate as an Ummah.
Speaker: Ustadh Ferdous Ahmed
Our role in the struggle between imaan and kufr
“They intend to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths. But Allah will bring His Light to perfection even though the disbelievers hate (it).” (As Saff:8)
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain: Annual Ramadhan Ijtima 2013
The Prophet’s Ramadhan – Month to Struggle for Islam
“It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.” 9:33
The Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) demonstrated that Ramadhan was the month to struggle for establishing the Deen of Allah in society and state.
The Prophet SAW carried the intellectual struggle of the Qur’an in Makkah and then the practical struggle of establishing Islam in society in Madinah and then the global struggle to carry Islam to the world.
This is the very nature of this Qur’an that Muslims are reciting every day in Ramadhan — a message of struggle against all forms of jahilliyah.
This is the Prophet’s Ramadhan and this is what the Muslims today need to emulate as an Ummah.
Asim Qureshi (Cage Prisoners) & Taji Mustafa (Hizb ut-Tahrir) discuss the use of drones by the US and UK in their so called “war of terror”.Program: The World this Week, Islam Channel, 5th Jan 2012
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March 8, 2025
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March 8, 2025