Abu Abdullah Reflections on the Uprisings in the Muslim World after year
Keep Reading ->Ramadan Reflection Day 9- Zakat and the Role of Leadership– Dr. Abdul Wahid
March 9, 2025
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Abu Abdullah Reflections on the Uprisings in the Muslim World after year
Keep Reading ->Upholding the honour of Our Prophet Our Honour |
Recently there has been a disgusting, revolting, insulting video and pictures made about our beloved Prophet Muhammed Habib ulllah (saw). Some people have come out and said that we should not give this matter more publicist by speaking and demonstrating about it, that we should ignore it and it will blow over. Rasool (saw) says in a hadith that ” Whoever sees an evil should change it by his hands, if he is unable to do so, then he should change it by his tongue and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart and that is the weakest of imaan”.
It is a matter of our imaan if we are not speaking out against this ideological attack on the very person who has taken us from darkness and into the light, shown us the way to Heaven and to avoid Hell. We know as muslims that we are unable to act with our hands due to the despotic rulers over our lands, but not so long ago when the Khilafah existed the Khalifah would wage war on such insults. However what we can do is raise our voices and speak out against such insults and not just hate it in our hearts hoping that it will blow over and also work tireless to bring back the khilafah that will truly defend the honour of our nabi (saw).
Keep Reading ->A look at Riba or Usury in the Islamic Context. It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Gold for gold, weight for weight, like for like; and silver for silver, weight for weight, like for like. Whoever gives more or takes more has engaged in Riba.”‘
Keep Reading ->It’s very crucial to understand the Quran from the perspective of Dawah. Specially today when the world at large is in disaster with absence of implementation of Islam. Its needed more than ever to understand Quran from perspective of bringing Islamic rulings back as it was brought by prophet(sas) with the support of Allah(swt) through Quran. Abu Talha explains how to take the Quran practically from Dawah perspective and to understand each surah from the order of revelation.
Keep Reading ->All over the world we are witnessing Muslims answering the call of Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAW) by working to revive the Islamic way of life. And just like the youth amongst the sahaba of Muhammad(SAW), we see the youth today are leading the race to obey Allah(SWT). Just like the Quraish at the time of Muhammad(SAW), the imperialist regimes of the world and their puppet rulers are shaking in response to the Ummah’s determination to implement Islam. In response, the Imperialist regimes are using any means necessary to silence the voices that question the injustices around the world caused by their policies. They falsely believe that they can keep us away from understanding the true solution to the world’s problems which is the implementation of the laws of our Creator set in the Quran and Sunnah. To help understand one of the means being used by the imperialist regimes today, its history, objectives and the best protection from it, Hizb-ut-Tahrir America would like to present the lecture with the theme U.S. Entrapment of Muslim Youth, Silencing Future Generations.
The topics covered are:
1. History of Entrapment the Tool of the Powerful
2. Entrapment of Muslim youth; Goals & Objective
All over the world we are witnessing Muslims answering the call of Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAW) by working to revive the Islamic way of life. And just like the youth amongst the sahaba of Muhammad(SAW), we see the youth today are leading the race to obey Allah(SWT).
Just like the Quraish at the time of Muhammad(SAW), the imperialist regimes of the world and their puppet rulers are shaking in response to the Ummah’s determination to implement Islam. In response, the Imperialist regimes are using any means necessary to silence the voices that question the injustices around the world caused by their policies. They falsely believe that they can keep us away from understanding the true solution to the world’s problems which is the implementation of the laws of our Creator set in the Quran and Sunnah.
To help understand one of the means being used by the imperialist regimes today, its history, objectives and the best protection from it, Hizb-ut-Tahrir America would like to invite you to a lecture and dinner, with the theme U.S. Entrapment of Muslim Youth, Silencing Future Generations.
The topics covered are:
1. History of Entrapment the Tool of the Powerful
2. Entrapment of Muslim youth; Goals & Objective
Tokin & Pokin A Life Between Shisha & Facebook Br Azeem Ad-Deen iHalaqa Classroom
Keep Reading ->The Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) was abolished on 3rd March 1924 – This video highlights in pictures some of the key events the Muslim Ummah has been through since the shield of the Muslims fell
Br. Uthman Badar, in this lecture, examines Islam as a timeless religion – a way of life for all peoples and for all times. He also delves into the significance of Islam remaining unchanged throughout the ages and how Islam continues to be relevant today. This lecture was a part of the SUMSA Lecture Series 2012, organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA).
For more information, please visit:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUMSAsydney
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney
Website: www.sumsa.org.au
Thoughts in the rush hour (????? ????? ??? ??????)
Many commute to work in a hurry and in even more of a rush to our homes by the end of the day. We strive to squeeze the last few house of what remains in our day because we appreciate that time cannot be regained. Surah Al-Asr acts as a strong reminder of the real priorities and concerns that will save us from bankruptcy in this life and the next.
Imam Ali (ra) said:
How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born.
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