On the seventh day after Mohammed’s birth, Abdulmuttalib ordered animals to be slaughtered and asked the people of Makka to come to a feast. After everyone had eaten, Abdulmuttalib brought out his grandson, Muhammad, to show the people. Everyone said that he was such a beautiful baby. The people also felt sad for the baby because he was an orphan. His father had died before seeing him. One of the men asked Abdulmuttalib, ” What did you name him?” Abdulmuttalib answered , ” I have named Muhammad.” Another man asked in surprise, “why did you name him Muhammad? No one in your family or people was ever named Muhammad.” Abdulmuttalib did not want to reveal that Amina was asked in a dream to name him Muhammad, so he said, ” I wanted Allah to praise him in Heaven and I wanted people to praise him on Earth.” One of the men asked Abdulmuttalib, ” What did you name him?” Abdulmuttalib answered , ” I have named Muhammad.” Another man asked in surprise, “why did you name him Muhammad? No one in your family or people was ever named Muhammad.” Abdulmuttalib did not want to reveal that Amina was asked in a dream to name him Muhammad, so he said, ” I wanted Allah to praise him in Heaven and I wanted people to praise him on Earth.”
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