Br. Suved Siddiqui gives a lecture on the power of knowledge, the obligation of the seeking knowledge in Islam, and the legacy left behind by the classical scholars. This lecture was a part of the SUMSA Lecture Series 2012, organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA).
For more information, please visit:

Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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A brief history of Abu Talha and his Journey to work for the dawah. One-on-One Discussion with Abu Talha and audience Question and Answers.

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The intellectual framework of Islam: Part 1 – Origins of Atheism
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With the end of the Olympic games in London, Jamal Harwood asks just what are they really all about? and what should Muslim attitudes be towards them?

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On the seventh day after Mohammed’s birth, Abdulmuttalib ordered animals to be slaughtered and asked the people of Makka to come to a feast. After everyone had eaten, Abdulmuttalib brought out his grandson, Muhammad, to show the people. Everyone said that he was such a beautiful baby. The people also felt sad for the baby because he was an orphan. His father had died before seeing him. One of the men asked Abdulmuttalib, ” What did you name him?” Abdulmuttalib answered , ” I have named Muhammad.” Another man asked in surprise, “why did you name him Muhammad? No one in your family or people was ever named Muhammad.” Abdulmuttalib did not want to reveal that Amina was asked in a dream to name him Muhammad, so he said, ” I wanted Allah to praise him in Heaven and I wanted people to praise him on Earth.” One of the men asked Abdulmuttalib, ” What did you name him?” Abdulmuttalib answered , ” I have named Muhammad.” Another man asked in surprise, “why did you name him Muhammad? No one in your family or people was ever named Muhammad.” Abdulmuttalib did not want to reveal that Amina was asked in a dream to name him Muhammad, so he said, ” I wanted Allah to praise him in Heaven and I wanted people to praise him on Earth.”

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Our Ummah has been blessed with exemplary figures and our Islamic history is gloriously rich with such examples of real men who understood Islam comprehensively. It was not their lineage or themselves as a person that made them such great people; but rather their adoption of the Islamic creed and ideas and their clear understanding of it that made them into the person they were. Sheikh ul-Islam Taqi Ad-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah (r) is one such example. His courage and works reach us like a ray of light in this dark period even today. He has been notably known for many great acts, including his works on the Islamic Aqeedah and Tauheed. However, in order to really respect him, we do not need to emulate him since he dealt with the problems in his time with the clear understanding of Islam that he had. Instead, we adopt the same attitude and ideas he did and step forward to deal with the issues and problems we face today. And we ask: if he were alive today what would he oppose, what would he speak against and fight against today; who are the mongols of today and what is the biggest deviation from Tauheed today?

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Br. Mehmet Ozalp speaks on the topic of taking advantage of, and maximising our benefit in, the blessed last ten days of Ramadan. This lecture was a part of the SUMSA Weekly Lecture Series 2012, organized by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA).
For more information, please visit:

Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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Talk by Ustadh Abu Anas – Year in and year out the question of when to start fasting and conclude fasting based on the various opinions within the community is the central discussion. For this reason, we invite you to join us as we discuss , how we as Muslims should approach this critical issue

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By Prof. M. Malkawi — The Islamic Social System vs The Secular Social System

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Br. Sadiq Ansari speaks on the topic of the Intelligence (Fatanat) of our Prophet (saaws). Organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit:
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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