Birmingham, UK, Wednesday 25th December 2013 — Muslims from all over the UK gathered at the Bia Lounge, Golden Hillock Road, to attend an event entitled, “Preserving the Islamic identity in the West”. The event was organized as part of the Know Muhammad (pbuh) campaign and was in relation to the latest attacks on Islam, relating to the veil and segregation row as well as addressing the government’s latest “Tackling extremism in the UK” report.
This talk details the struggles of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at the hands of the Quraysh, where He (pbuh) was constantly ridiculed for his believes and the message He (pbuh) bought. The speaker links the struggles the Prophet (pbuh) went through is no different to the challenges the Muslim community faces today by the media, politicians and Islamophobes. Labels such as extremist, intolerant and terrorist being attached to those Muslims who hold on to Islamic values.
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