Power is not more important than principle to pragmatic Muslims and this is what will lead the Ummah into further decline in Egypt, Tunisa and around the Muslim world. This is also a good reminder for dawa carriers on how to look at leadership with responsibility, sincerity and humbleness.

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Ten Promised Jannah – Abu Bakr (RA) Trials and Tribulations in the Makkan Period Part 2_5

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Ten Promised Jannah – Abu Bakr (RA) Migration of The Messenger (SAW) & Abu Bakr Part 3_5

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Ten Promised Jannah – Abu Bakr (RA) Life in Madinah Part 4_5

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Ten Promised Jannah – Abu Bakr (RA) Khilafah of Abu Bakr Part 5_5

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Ten Promised Jannah – Abu Bakr (RA) Intro & Early Life Part 1_5

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Tazkiyat al-nafs | Purification of the Heart | Ustadh Saf Chaudrey | iHalaqa Classroom

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There are many people who call for Tawheed as the solution for all our problems. Some claim that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) only preached Tawheed for 13yrs in Makkah. This is not entirely factual. Whilst in Makkah our Prophet (saw) spoke out against injustice, tyranny, inequality, political systems, corrupt economy as well as false idols like Hubal and Uzzah. However these false idols no longer exist! So what are the false ideas and injustices of today.
Speaker: Mohammad Ali
Qualified Arabic Teacher, Educated in Syria

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Br. Mohamed Zaoud speaks on the topic of “Minding Your Own Business” – maintaining taqwa and chastity in today’s age. Organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA).
For more information, please visit:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUMSAsydney
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney
Website: www.sumsa.org.au

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Tajweed Training: Lesson 1 | Every letter is deserving of its right

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