Speaker: Ustadh Mohammed Ali – Ustadh Mohammed Ali completed a Masters in Islamic Studies, and has studied numerous Islamic sciences in the Middle East including Arabic, Aqeedah, usool ul-fiqh and other Islamic sciences.Holds numerous ijaazaat in classical books. Has taught Hanafi Fiqh, Arabic and Aqeedah to students in the UK. Mar 2012, Slough UK

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Speaker: Ustadh Mohammed Ali — Ustadh Mohammed Ali completed a Masters in Islamic Studies, and has studied numerous Islamic sciences in the Middle East including Arabic, Aqeedah, usool ul-fiqh and other Islamic sciences.Holds numerous ijaazaat in classical books. Has taught Hanafi Fiqh, Arabic and Aqeedah to students in the UK. Mar 2012, Slough UK

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Ramadan is the month when God spoke to man. Man who is in utter misguidance and loss was sent the Quran as a proof and a guide to manage his affairs in all spheres of life. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it has been prescribed upon those before you, so that you may attain Taqwa or piety.” (2:183) This tafsir I mentioned is based on the priceless work of Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai (may Allah preserve him)

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Tafseer of Surah At Takatur in the order of revelation by Dr. Nusairat. In this Surah Allah(swt) wanted to bring to attention that humanity at large running after this worldly gain however the focus should be hereafter and to please Allah(swt).

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Tafseer Al Quran: Surat At Takweer – Sheikh Abu Talha (Part 2). Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah At Takweer which was revealed during the early stages of the dawah in Makkah. In his unique style and presentation he links the message of the Quran into our current scenario and the oppression and obstacles faced by the Islamic dawah carriers which are similar to those faced by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA). He also extracts the method to carry the dawah from the way of the Prophet Mohammed SAW and his companions’ actions in Makkah. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Tafseer Al Quran: Surat At Takweer – Sheikh Abu Talha (Part 1) . Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah At Takweer which was revealed during the early stages of the dawah in Makkah. In his unique style and presentation he links the message of the Quran into our current scenario and the oppression and obstacles faced by the Islamic dawah carriers which are similar to those faced by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA). He also extracts the method to carry the dawah from the way of the Prophet Mohammed SAW and his companions’ actions in Makkah. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Tafseer of Surah Najam in the order of revelation. Dr. Nusairat explains how in current reality this surah can be understood and applied

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Part 5/6: Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on Surat Al Qalam (Chapter of The Pen). At a time when the western world has increased their attacks, slander, libel and insults against Islam, Prophet Mohammed (SAW), the Quran, Hijab and other Islamic symbols this surah describes how these insults and acts against the honor of Islam are not new and the Quran takes us back into time when Prophet Mohammed (SAW) faced similar situations in Makkah and how Allah (SWT) answered the kuffar by the Quran and defended His Prophet. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Part 2/6. Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on Surat Al Qalam (Chapter of The Pen). At a time when the western world has increased their attacks, slander, libel and insults against Islam, Prophet Mohammed (SAW), the Quran, Hijab and other Islamic symbols this surah describes how these insults and acts against the honor of Islam are not new and the Quran takes us back into time when Prophet Mohammed (SAW) faced similar situations in Makkah and how Allah (SWT) answered the kuffar by the Quran and defended His Prophet. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Part 1/6: Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on Surat Al Qalam (Chapter of The Pen). At a time when the western world has increased their attacks, slander, libel and insults against Islam, Prophet Mohammed (SAW), the Quran, Hijab and other Islamic symbols this surah describes how these insults and acts against the honor of Islam are not new and the Quran takes us back into time when Prophet Mohammed (SAW) faced similar situations in Makkah and how Allah (SWT) answered the kuffar by the Quran and defended His Prophet. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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