Restoring the House of Islam | Is Islam only 5 Pillars? | By Ustadh Reda | iHalaqa Classroom
“On the authority of Abu Abdul Rahman Abdullah (r), the son of Umar ibn al-Kattaab (r) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (s) say: ‘Islam is built upon five [pillars]: testifying that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the prayers, giving zakat, making pilgrimage to the House and fasting the month of Ramadan.'” (Recorded in Bukhari and Muslim)

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JOIN the Campaign:…
Insults to Islam and the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are attacks on the honor of every Muslim. This will never be acceptable as we love Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAW) more than our parents, our children and our own selves.
Furthermore, these insults are designed to cause division and sectarian strife between communities across the world by inflaming emotions and pitting neighbour against neighbour, all in the name of free speech.

This global campaign calls on all people, Muslim and non-Muslim, to join together to condemn these insults wherever they are made, expose the fact that they are designed to divide communities and also to account those with authority in Muslim lands who fail to assert their power to defend the honor of #OurProphet.

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Comments by Uthman Badar on three key questions raised in discussion on Q&A (ABC, Australia) between Richard Dawkins and Cardinal George Pell, aired Monday 9 April 2012. The program can be seen here:….Connect with Uthman Badar on Facebook ( and Twitter (

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A talk by Abu Luqman Fathullah delivered at an Iftaar event in Slough, UK on 28th July 2012.

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A talk by Taji Mustafa delivered at an Iftaar event in Slough, UK on 28th July 2012.

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DAY 19: Ramadan Muslim Vs Student of Knowledge | Firaun Vs Musa | iHalaqa Ramadan Bytes –When the month of Ramadan comes, there are brothers and sisters who want to change. They don’t usually practice the Deen but want to make efforts in doing so because it is the month of Ramadan. They are often termed as “Ramadan Muslims”, by the so called “Religious Bunch”. Having this negative view, Is it from Islam, is it among the characteristics of a practicing Muslim? How can we be more encouraging towards the brothers and sisters making the effort to change in this noble month? Allah (swt) says: “O Muhammad (saw) invite mankind to the way of your lord (Islam) with wisdom, and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better… (16:125) Muhammed (saw) also says in a hadith “Make things easy and don’t make things difficult and give glad tidings and do not disparage”

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DAY 9: Ramadan is a time for Appreciating Your Family | iHalaqa Ramadan Bytes –“Your Lord has decreed that you should worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents.” In this blessed month of Ramadan we should take all opportunities to be extra good to our families especially to our parents, who looked after us while we were young and weak. When we didn’t even have the ability to clean ourselves they took care of us, so we should show in this month extra appreciation to them. Also we should make Dua for our parents and families that Allah shows them the Deen and keeps them on it. We should also include our larger extended family which is our noble Ummah, and not forget what is happening to them. Not only making Dua for them but also doing the action to unite and solve the problems of the Ummah.

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Many people enter the month of Ramadan with the aim to change and improve, but no sooner Eid has passed they are back to their old ways. This is similar to the one who goes to Hajj/Umrah and no sooner has the hair on his head grown back, he is back to similar patterns of life. This because we we don’t change the pattern of our thinking we will never install a lasting change into our behavior. The month of Ramadan is a time to pull back, take stock and realize that we are duty-bound to work on ourselves, our families, our communities and our Noble Ummah because we live in all of these spheres at the same time.

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Sheikh Soner Coruhlu talks about the ways in which we can maintain our enthusiasm and vigour throughout the entirety of Ramadan and avoid that mid-month lull period that we sometimes fall into. This lecture was a part of the SUMSA Lecture Series 2012, organized by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit:
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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Ramadan & Unity: The Month of The Quran & Action | iHalaqa Classroom

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