Chicago Sep 22 2012: Hundreds of Muslims rally in Chicago downtown in support of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The speaker introduces the Non-Muslims to the values and characteristics of this great prophet and invites the Non-Muslims to research more about Prophet Muhammad (SAW) before forming any opinions and humbly invites them to study more about Islam and the Quran to learn the truth. Muslim men, women and children took part in this rally coming from all across Chicagoland and beyond. Several Non-Muslims in downtown went home with a need to know more about this man – Muhammad (SAW). The signs and banners held by the Muslims showed their immense love and respect for this noble prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him and his followers.

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Chicago Sep 22 2012: Hundreds of Muslims rally in Chicago downtown in support of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The speaker describes the characteristics of the noble prophet and condemns the continuous assault on Islamic values and symbols by the western world. Muslim men, women and children took part in this rally coming from all across Chicagoland and beyond. Several Non-Muslims in downtown went home with a need to know more about this man – Muhammad (SAW). The signs and banners held by the Muslims showed their immense love and respect for this noble prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him and his followers.

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Inspiring chants and rally for Khilafah in Homs. The people are calling for a return to the former glory of the Muslims under the Khilafah. May Allah be with them! Footage like these are not broadcasted by the Western media outlets and this is what is really happening in Syria. Regardless of the bombs, the torture, the bullets, the mortars and the abandonment by the Muslim rulers around them, our brothers and sisters remain strong in their loyalty to Islam without compromise! Please share and subscribe to “” for upcoming videos dedicated to the revival of our Ummah.

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Thousands attend Rally held at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem on 28th Rajab 1435 (27/05/2014) to mark the anniversary of the date the Khilafah was destroyed. They call upon on the Pakistani Army to come and liberate Jerusalem and save the honor of the Muslims.

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With recent events in Ferguson and grand jury decision that cause lot of uproar and frustration within the black community in America. We like to present Islamic perspective and view on Racism. Is the phenomenon of Racism new? And how Islam came to eliminate this disease in the past when Islamic System was applied.

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The University of Western Sydney Muslims Students’ Association, Bankstown presents an exciting event that will take a unique look at the Qur’an. What does the Quran truly meanto us and how does it affect not only ourselves, but out entire world?

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The University of Western Sydney Muslims Students’ Association, Bankstown presents an exciting event that will take a unique look at the Qur’an. What does the Quran truly meanto us and how does it affect not only ourselves, but out entire world?

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Reality of Riba (Interest) explained by Sheikh Abu Talha. Interest is the main pillar of the current economic structures worldwide. He explains the impact of interest upon individuals and societies at large.Abu Talha presents the Islamic perspective of Riba. Allah(swt) created mankind and he knows what best for humanity. Allah(swt)s warnings and consequences about Riba (Interest) are also explained.

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Q&A: Riba (Interest) Money to help Poor? Can you help others with the money you incur through Interest (Riba)? 401 contributions?

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Question and Answers related to Islamic Financing, Partnership and credit card use by Sheikh Abu Talha

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