A discussion on issues regardsing good governance in a Muslim World how is it in a future Khilafah state, is going to establish a stable, accountable, and a representative government.

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Sheikh Soner Coruhlu discusses whether we can rationally prove that God is a Creator of man, or if God is simply a creation of man’s mind, with specific reference to the problems of Neo-Darwinian theory. This lecture was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUMSAsydney
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney
Website: www.sumsa.org.au

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“Indeed, the Deen began as something strange and it shall certainly return again to be something strange. Therefore, Tuba (glad tidings) awaits the strangers, those who have set aright, after I am gone, that of my Sunnah which the people have corrupted.” [at-Tirmithi]. Talk by Soadad Doureihi at UWS Parramatta.

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“Indeed, the Deen began as something strange and it shall certainly return again to be something strange. Therefore, Tuba (glad tidings) awaits the strangers, those who have set aright, after I am gone, that of my Sunnah which the people have corrupted.” [at-Tirmithi]. Talk by Omar Naggarin at UWS Parramatta.

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Emergency full house event took place on Sunday 18th November. Excellent talk that everyone must watch.

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Jumuah khutbah by Taji Mustafa (Hizb ut-Tahrir) as 800 are killed so far in the Israeli entity’s latest attack on Gaza, Palestine. What is the permanent Islamic solution to this occupation? 25 July 2014.Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tajimustafa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taji.mustafa…

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The Israeli army has yet again unleashed an attack on Gaza in this blessed month of Ramadan killing innocent men, women and children. The world’s and especially the Muslim leader’s response was shameful to say the least. But the Muslim Ummah from east to west showed they care about the bloodshed and the killing of Muslims; they came out in rallies all over the world protesting the atrocities of the Jewish state. The issue of Palestine matters to every Muslim and is an Islamic issue by nature. Any solution presented by the world powers, the United Nations, the Arab leaders is not the right solution. The whole world cares about the security of the Jewish state more than the lives of the Muslims and every solution presented will be around the security and welfare of the Jewish state. We the Muslims in the US have a duty towards our brothers and sisters in Gaza and the rest of the world. With this recent development, Hizb ut Tahrir — America organized this Lecture on Friday July 18th to address our responsibility toward Gaza and how we as part of the Ummah should respond to such atrocities.

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With the recent incident regarding Cecil the Lion and outrage and reaction from the world. We like to present how Islam not just take care of humans but all living things

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25th December 2011. Speaker: Abdul Karim – Talk: From the gangs of Denmark to the ummah of Islam2011 – The year in which the catalyst of Tunisia spread through the Middle East awakening the souls and the minds of the Ummah to a level of courage unprecedented.
Muslims across the globe have shown their courage and have not hesitated to shake the thrones of the present day tyrants.
The struggle continues between truth and falsehood but the flame that ignites this courage for the work to re establish Islam is none other than you and I.
The Call of Duty event will clarify the role and importance of the youth in establishing the deen.

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The Islamic Society on Campus (ISOC) at UNSW in Sydney, Australia presents its weekly Islamic talks. This one focuses on the blessings & immense Rahma of the month of Ramadhan, and the importance of building up momentum and anticipation for the amazing night of Laylatul-Qadr. Speaker: Sheikh Jalal Chami
Talk photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?se…
Talk details: http://www.facebook.com/events/458282…

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