Sheikh Abu Talha in his unimitable style, using his extensive knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah and the Islamic history delivered this wonderful lecture to inspire and encourage the Muslims to look at the Quran and the Sunnah as a source of complete guidance and to learn from the life of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) to try to emulate his (SAWS) actions to work for the revival of Islam with the correct perspective towards this life and the world.

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This is the continuation of lecture series on systems of Islam by Dr Malkawi. In this series Dr Malkawi had discussed different aspects of Social system in Islam such as View of women in Islam, Respect of parents, Man Women relationship in Islam, Importance of family relationship(sulah rahma), Honor of women in Islam followed by important Q&A

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This is the continuation of lecture series on systems of Islam by Dr Malkawi. In this series Dr Malkawi had discussed different aspects of Social system in Islam such as View of women in Islam, Respect of parents, Man Women relationship in Islam, Importance of family relationship(sulah rahma), Honor of women in Islam followed by important Q&A

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Rally in defense of the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Dagestan, Russia, organized by Hizb ut Tahrir Russia in Dagestan.

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Knowledge of Iman & Righteous Deeds | Abdul Wahab Jibrin | — One of the top 5 narrators of Hadith Anas Bin malik, he spent 20years in Jihad after the Prophets (saw) death, and spent the rest teaching and died in his late 90’s-100. He was once asked due to his illustrious life: the people asked, ‘please teach us, we want to learn’. He (ra) replied: “Learn what you want to learn, Allah is concerned with your actions.”

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DAY 17: Knowing the Problem is Fard for the Solution Provider |Surah Ar-Rum| iHalaqa Ramadan Bytes — “Whoever wakes up in the morning and does not have a concern about the Muslims affairs, Indeed he is not from amongst us” –Ramadan is a month were the Muslims reflect and think about the situation of the Ummah, making duas for them especially those who are oppressed. We as Muslim should carry this concern always, and try to raise awareness to others and find out what is the comprehensive solutions to the ummahs problems.

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Islam, Violent or Misunderstood?Speaker: Dr Abdul Wahid — The Muslim community is often held under the spot light and subjected to growing scrutiny and Islamophobia. With the community set to come under more pressure following recent events it is essential for our community to know how to respond.

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Khalid Ibn Al-Walid – The inspiration for the oppressed of Syria – Talk1Abu Luqman Fathulla
Slough UK May 2012

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Speaker: Dr Abdul Wahid — Talk: Justice for Mankind –Ramadhan is the month of the Quran and guidance. This Ijtima will look at the names of the Quran and explain the duty of Muslims to take the whole guidance of the Quran in order to mould the affairs of state and society. “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion (of right and wrong, i.e. this Quran) to His slave (Muhammad SAW) that he may be a warner to the Alamin (mankind and jinn). – Al-Furqan: 1

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The mentioned Hadith was related by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (Hadith compilation), Al-Tabarany in “Al-Mu`jam Al-Kabir” and Ibn Hibban in his Sahih (authentic) Book of Hadith with a good Isnad (chain of narration) on the authority of Abu Umamah Al-Bahily (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The knots of Islam will be undone one by one. Each time one knot is undone, people will cling to the one next to it. The first of them to be undone is ruling and the last is Salah.

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