Speaker: Jamal Ford –Spoken word poetry

“This month of Ramadhan,
The month of the Quran,
The month where prophet received wahi and come with al Islam
This month, which is so blessed,
So how come, I am so stressed?
Cuz I’m done, with seeing my Ummah,
So hungry and oppressed
But this month it has a rep,
And that rep is one of struggle,
And that rep is one of victory,
Check your wonderful history
You’ll see this month of Ramadhan,
Is blessed in more ways than one,
That’s why the sahabah looked for the hottest days to fast, in the blazing sun

The last ten days are approaching us,
Have we done enough?
Have we done enough?
Strive for the sake of Allah,
Nowadays we just can’t wait for Iftar
All we think about is breaking our fast,
…As if fasting is the greatest of tasks

SubhanAllah I ask that Allah make us of those that please him,
And guide and help those that really need him
We are comfortable here, but it’s a struggle overseas,
But it’s still one Ummah, so when you hurt so de we…

I ask Allah that this be the last Ramadhan without an amirul mu’mineen,
The last month before we see implementation of Allah’s deen

Lastly I ask that Allah forgive us all our sins,
And that these last days of Ramadhan are spent for the sake of him….”

Therefore proclaim openly, that which you are commanded, and turn away from Al-Mushrikun (Al-Hijr:94)

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain: Annual Ramadhan Ijtima 2013

The Prophet’s Ramadhan – Month to Struggle for Islam

“It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.” 9:33

The Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) demonstrated that Ramadhan was the month to struggle for establishing the Deen of Allah in society and state.

The Prophet SAW carried the intellectual struggle of the Qur’an in Makkah and then the practical struggle of establishing Islam in society in Madinah and then the global struggle to carry Islam to the world.

This is the very nature of this Qur’an that Muslims are reciting every day in Ramadhan — a message of struggle against all forms of jahilliyah.

This is the Prophet’s Ramadhan and this is what the Muslims today need to emulate as an Ummah.

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Israel has full support of Saudi Arabia & Egypt and the EU

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These are the question and answers that were asked to Sheikh Abu Talha related to spending of your wealth that Allah(swt) blessed a person with and how to treat needy and poor.Questions related to Israf (extravagance) and Zohud (Leaving worldly things behind) were also addressed.

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Islamic Social System Vs Secular Social System – Sheikh Abu Talha in his unique style presents this informative lecture about the Islamic Social System. During the course of his discussion, he points out the common social behaviors in the current secular societies and demonstrates how closely they resemble the social behaviors and the social system of the Pre-Islamic jahiliyyah (ignorance) period of Arabia. He explains how the Islamic Social System is well balanced and prescribed as a way of life given to mankind by their Creator and how Islam can solve innumerable social problems afflicting the human race. He emphasized how the Islamic Social System when implemented along with its counterpart systems of Economics, Judiciary & Politics from Islam can bring about an atmosphere of balance and justice promoting real progress in both moral, spiritual and scientific aspects of human development as was practically demonstrated by 1300 years of the history of Islam where the Islamic System enabled them to lead the world in scientific as well as spiritual development the fruits of which still benefit mankind.

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Dr Mohammed Malkawy explains Islamic perspective of the social system and how it can bring tranquility in the society.He also compares with secular social structure and presents its flaws

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An Islamic preacher when trying to stop the evil, has been insulted, mocked and forcibly dragged away by the Saudi military. This incident occurred during the Janadhriya in the region of Saudi Arabia. The place which happened to be a home ground for Islam preachers and Daees, now seems to be taking a huge diversion. What would you expect from a country which hastens in giving victory to America against Muslims !

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Dr. Mohammad Malkawi the author of the book “Fall of Capitalism & Rise of Islam” is an international Islamic speaker and activist. In this lecture he presents an introduction to the Islamic Economic System and briefly compares it with the collapsed Socialist economic system and the currently dominant and failing system of Capitalism. He sheds light on the major difference between Islamic Economic System and Capitalism and explains how the Islamic system has the potential and the track record of 1300 years to solve the socio-economic challenges faced by mankind; Dr. Malkawi is optimistic that the current collapsing system of capitalism will eventually be replaced by the reviving Islamic system after the reestablishment of the Khilafah or Islamic state which truly adopts the Islamic economic system.

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Islamic Atmosphere | Islamic Environment of a Group | Adabul Majalis |
Its is possible to have a group of brothers who are all Islamic, practicing, involved in Dawa and yet the environment can possibly be un-Islamic and displeasing to Allah. Why? because if we aim to be serious Muslims we must strive to maintain and Islamic environment with our friends, family, community and indeed, the entire world so that we have a productive, dynamic Islam and not be individualistic like those who preserve themselves at the cost of the environment, as we are Muslims inwardly and outwardly. On a societal level this is the Islamic State, this talk will insha’ Allah address this issue on many levels.

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Quran recitation and translation from 05:31Start of Lecture from 16:00
Talk 1 from an event held in Sydney, Australia called “Islam: the true civilization”.
Title: Islam: The civilization of Tawheed (Tafseer of surah al Kafiroon)
The rest of the talks from the event and the documentary can be found here:

World history has been a story of civilizations replacing one after the other. The struggle has existed throughout time in all forms. In the last century, we witnessed two competing civilizations vie for superiority as the world watched in fear and awe. But Islam was no where to be found. How did it vanish from this arena as a civilization that the people of the world might consider as their own? And why now, after that period of absence, is Islam resurgent? How is Islam built upon Tawheed, and what does this mean? Join us for a fascinating look at the nature of civilizations, their history, and why and how Allah made Islam the most superior of them all.
World history has been a story of civilizations replacing one after the other. The struggle has existed throughout time in all forms. In the last century, we witnessed two competing civilizations vie for superiority as the world watched in fear and awe. But Islam was no where to be found. How did it vanish from this arena as a civilization that the people of the world might consider as their own? And why now, after that period of absence, is Islam resurgent? How is Islam built upon Tawheed, and what does this mean? Join us for a fascinating look at the nature of civilizations, their history, and why and how Allah made Islam the most superior of them all.

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Why are Western societies still plagued by racism? How does Islam address racism? Follow Taji Mustafa on twitter @tajimustafa

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