Musa (as) finds himself in a dark, cold, wintery night, lost with his family and yet he sees a small defiant flame flickering on a mountain. He saw the fire an was filled by hope of supplies and directions, but rather…
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“He saw the fire and he was warmed by hope. He found a fire that warms souls and spirits as a provision for the greatest journey of all. ” (Syed Qutb). When he reached the fire: “The universe fell silent in responsiveness to this conversation. Alone in the desert, surrounded by complete darkness, in total silence.” The struggle of Musa (as) was most like ours, and his Ummah most like ours, so I hope the heart of a Dawa carriers is ignited in us just as the fire that was lit on the mountain top drew in Musa (as) to his Prophethood. I will be identifying key aspects of tarbiya which includes building a framework of thinking that all halaaqaat must have from the point of view of the teacher and the student whether a parent child situation, personal development and even in Islamic movements. I will be addressing some of the attitudes to knowledge and actions in relation to the training that Musa (as) received.

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How do you set a trend? Rasoolullah (saw) started with an idea, a set of beliefs and a vision. This idea became a reality and this vision manifested itself as the establishment of Islam in its entirety when Allah (swt) revealed the following verses: …This day I have perfected for you your deen and completed my favour upon you and chosen for you Islam as a deen… Today we have a situation whereby our ideas are murky, our beliefs are strong but our vision is blurry. Some seem to think that what we once had is far too hard to achieve once again. We do this even though we are very quick to catch on with the latest material trends in the West – take, for example, all the hype with the new iphone. However, the Muslims have started to rise. Alhamdulillah, the Muslims have started to wake up. There is a trend that is catching on quickly all around the world among Muslims. One has to ask…Are you following this trend that is the call for the establishment of Islam in its entirety?

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Do you give Dawah? This session explains how Allah (?) prepared his Prophet Musa to internalise the call of Islam and then how to carry it to the most evil tyrant of all time. This Tafsir of Surah Taha is essential learning for dawa carriers who engage in political and intellectual struggle while also a reminder for this who have not yet kindled the desire to take part in one of the greatest of Ibadah of the Prophets and that is to carry the dawa to establish Islam.

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Do you give Dawah? This session explains how Allah (?) prepared his Prophet Musa to internalise the call of Islam and then how to carry it to the most evil tyrant of all time. This Tafsir of Surah Taha is essential learning for dawa carriers who engage in political and intellectual struggle while also a reminder for this who have not yet kindled the desire to take part in one of the greatest of Ibadah of the Prophets and that is to carry the dawa to establish Islam.

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This quick session explains how Allah (?) prepared his Muhammad (?) Musa to internalise the call of Islam and then how to carry it to the most evil tyrant of all time. This Tafsir of Surah Maryam/Taha is essential learning for dawa carriers who engage in political and intellectual struggle while also a reminder for this who have not kindled the desire to take part in one of the greatest of Ibadah of the Prophets and that is to carry the dawa to establish Islam.

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Birmingham, UK, Wednesday 25th December 2013 — Muslims from all over the UK gathered at the Bia Lounge, Golden Hillock Road, to attend an event entitled, “Preserving the Islamic identity in the West”. The event was organised as part of the Know Muhammad (pbuh) campaign and was in relation to the latest attacks on Islam, relating to the veil and segregation row as well as addressing the government’s latest “Tackling extremism in the UK” report. This talk outlines the Islamic aqeeda is both spiritual and political, dealing with the affairs of life in the most complete and comprehensive of manners. The speaker details the plans of Western governments knowing that the strength of Islam lies in her intellectual leadership; hence they are attempting to remove this political element from Islam through calls for an Islamic reformation. The talk highlights the responsibility of the Muslim community in holding on to Islam by exposing the agenda of the West. How it should remain steadfast just like the Prophet (pbuh).

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When two scholars are giving contradictory opinions regarding an issue, how should a common Muslim evaluate the two opinions with the intention to follow the best one in obedience to Allah (SWT)? Sheikh Abu Talha explains how a Muslim should understand opinions of the ulama and try their best to follow one which is closest to the Quran & the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW).

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How Muhammad (saw) changed my life By Ibrahim Karir — Revert from Hinduism –Despite media propaganda and negative stereotyping against Islam and the prophet (saw), non-Muslims are discovering that broken secular societies will only be fixed by the teaching of Islam.

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What is the Islamic viewpoint on celebrating non Islamic holidays? Lecture to help understand with evidences on this topic

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Many of us will be starting College or University this September. By the time fresher’s fair is over many Muslim brothers and sisters, far from their families and natural environments, will stray off the path of Islam, involving themselves in free-mixing, and trying to ‘make an impression’ of the ‘new me’ where its all about fashionable clothing, and how supposedly diverse your group of friends are. So you’ll often see many brothers and sisters and non-Muslim guys and girls from different backgrounds, styles of clothing, hobbies (some like gaming some outdoors sports), and yet the thread that binds them all is the same vain, materialistic, superficial run of the mill youth that the Capitalist system enjoys as its naive, apolitical future work force, but of course you can wear a T-Shirt with whatever radical statement you like 🙂 This kind of relationship is antithetical to the kind of friends a young sharp Muslim should be seeking to join or impress and will ultimately lead him or her away from Islam. Every Muslim is politician who looks after the affairs of the Muslims, between this happening is how he builds his relationships. Here’s a young brothers advice on how things should be done.After all, first impressions count.

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