Br. Mehmet Ozalp discusses the Islamic concepts of death, the afterlife, the Day of Judgment, Heaven and Hell in the final lecture of IAW 2012. This lecture was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook:
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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Contemplation, of its own self, has a significant value in Islam. In fact, numerous eminent scholar’s of the past, like Sheikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymiyah (ra), linked the importance of using the mind to reach the conclusion that the Quran is the world of Allah (swt) and Muhammad (saw) is the messenger of Allah (swt). Also Imam Ghazali (ra) is reported to have stated in his Ihya Uloom Ud Deen that “an hour’s worth of contemplation is better than a year’s worth of worship.” Ramadhan is a crucial time to ponder over one’s life and one’s role within this world as a Muslim. Under the physical strain of fasting, one may at times forget to think before acting and, thus, end up regretting his actions. This naseehah highlights the importance of thinking before acting and the dangers that can occur when one falls into such an instance. “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the succession of night and day, there are indeed signs for all who possess [awakened] hearts, those who remember Allah when they stand, sit, and lie down and contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth” [Q 3:190-91]

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Consumerist Society: A new kind of Slavery By Ustadh Taji Mustafa

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Boycotting the consumerist mindset & working for real solutions. In this weeks Khutba I discussed the absurdity of being prescribed a ‘cure’ by the same people who incubate, procure and exacerbate the disease. If we don’t stop this, the Muslims will always fall in the cycle of being filled with grief, while calling for empty solutions. For more detailed explanation visit:…

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Consequences of Sin: Hell the Eternal Prison | Ustadh Saffaruk Choudrey | iHalaqa Classroom

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Sheikh Abu Talha explains the concept of unity among Muslims and having Islamic groups does not mean disunity among Muslims.

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For more: is the speech given by Sh. Shady Suleiman, from the Syrian Association of Australia, at the Muslim community protest for Syria held on Jan 21, 2012 at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, Sydney, Australia. For the complete video of entire protest see:….

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For more: is the speech given by Sh. Mustapha al-Majzoub at the Muslim community protest for Syria held on Jan 21, 2012 at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, Sydney, Australia. For the complete video of entire protest see:….

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For more: This is the speech given by Sh. Mostafa Mohamed at the Muslim community protest for Syria held on Jan 21, 2012 at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, Sydney, Australia. For the complete video of entire protest see:….

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