At-Tadaarus (Studying together) with Hamza3) “Every good is charity. Indeed among the good is to meet your brother with a smiling face, and to pour what is left in your bucket into the vessel of your brother.”
4) A Muslim is required to do his work perfectly because of the Prophet’s saying:”Verily, Allah loves when someone does an action, to perfect it.”

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At-Tadaarus (Studying together) with Hamza
9) The Muslims are like one man, if his eyes complains then the whole of him complains, and if his head complains then the whole of him complains

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10) Muslims have common share in three (things). grass, water and fire.

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Sunan Abi Dawud 3477

Notes for Parents/Teachers:

Hadith 9: This hadeeth can be understood that the safety and security of the Muslims is one.

Hadith 10:

a. According to the Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali schools what is intended by water that the people share and therefore cannot buy and sell is the rain water, river water and the like, and not water from private sources such as a private well. The pastures are the open areas of land which are not owned by anyone, or land which is not being used for agriculture and has the normal vegetation for grazing cattle. Fire indicates any natural resources which are used to produce heat and energy, such as wood, coal and oil.

b. Other narrations also indicate that people can possess and sell water as long as the community was not in dire need of it.

c. It can be derived from these narrations that whatever the community is in need of must be provided and cannot be withheld privately to the disadvantage of the people. So the state is

Commentary from The Sixty Sultaniyyah By Abu Luqman Fathullah (May Allah have mercy on him)

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At-Tadaarus (Studying together) with Hamza
7) The Messenger of Allah (?) said: “Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended.

8) The Messenger (?) said: “People will be gathered upon their intentions.” [Ibn Maajah] He (?) also said: “Mankind will be resurrected upon their intentions.” [Muslim]

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At-Tadaarus (Studying together) with Hamza
5) “Allah is Gentle and loves gentleness in all things.” Sunan Ibn Majah 3689

6) “Whoever does not show mercy to the people, Allah will not show mercy to him.” Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1922

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At-Tadaarus with Hamza | A lively and happy house | SE02EP02
The Messenger of Allah (?) said: “Indeed, the one who does not have the Qur’an inside him (his heart), is like the ruined house.” (Tirmidhi)

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Asian Weddings, Bollywood Wedding or The Sakeena of Islamic Marriage | iHalaqa Classroom

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Taji Mustafa answers a tough question non-Muslims raise on punishments in Islam

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What is British Islam? It is when you adopt British values and then go to Islam to interepret however you wish with as much Dhikr, Salah, Fasting, Hajj or as little as you like as long as it fits within the British values as its basis. For Muslims, the Islamic Aqueedah is our basis and the Quran and Sunnah is the lens through which we see and understand the world. British Values and Islam do not mix just like Truth & Falsehood do not mix. We must not hide the truth about the real value of Islam that Muslims can only visualise and realise under the Khilafah system and the unity of the Muslims. We must not mix the truth with the falsehood like the Banu Israel mentioned in Surah Baqarah which Allah warns us about: “And believe in that which I reveal, confirming that which ye possess already (of the Scripture), and be not first to disbelieve therein, and part not with My revelations for a trifling price, and keep your duty unto Me. ” “And do not mix up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it). ” “Keep up prayer, pay the welfare tax, and worship along with those who bow their heads”(TMQ Baqarah 241-243).

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“America is very powerful. If it launched an attack, how will the Khilafah survive?” The aim of the series of videos is to provide simple answers to practical questions regarding the Khilafah. These short videos aim to cover key areas of governance, economy, foreign policy and law. Many books exist detailing the various Systems of Islam such as the Economic System, Social System, Judicial System, Ruling System and others. Understand all of these various aspects of the Islamic system in detail requires a basic understanding of the principles that underpin such disciplines. This series of videos aims to show the Islamic stance, which is made in a clear and easy manner for everyone to understand without lots of details. The answers also guide to detailed research on these topics, which will allow for further study. Additional information including references can be found online at…

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