HADITH 1 –Actions are judged by their intentions What is our aim in life – On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said : I heared the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say : “Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated.” related by Bukhari and Muslim

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A cosmic conversation takes place between Allah and His Angels when Allah informs his Angels that He will send man (Adam and his progeny) to be in the charge of the whole earth as His vicegerant. As a natural consequence of this there will be authority. The question is whether man will rule by the laws of Allah as his vicegerent or rule with his desires; one will lead to our ascension, the other our destruction. We as Muslims should try to see things from the point of view of all those prospective Muslim mayors, councillors and MP’s and think about whether we are willing to compromise our Deen. If not, we should not vote for them to compromise on our behalf. If you were given authority, who’s law will you implement? Will you wield authority in the way Allah wanted us, or will you become part of the secular democratic system? Surah Baqarah Ayah 30: “Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” This brief talk was based on the Tafseer of Ibn Kathir, Al-Jalalayn, Qurtubi and others. Here’s a link to one source: http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?opti…

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Our identities as Muslims are not immigrants, refugees, minorities, Bangladeshi Muslims, Somali Muslims, Arab Muslims, American/British Muslims, rather we are the proud Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) with the same beliefs and collective aims. As mentioned, the Prophet (saw) said: “Islam will always be superior, and nothing will surpassed it” How does this statement contrast with the state of our dignity our honor today? We are the nation of Muhammad (pbuh), a nation that transcends any border and man made belief.

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A shot, yet heart wrenching, documentary on the situation in Bangladesh. The documentary highlights the reality on the ground as well as the oppression and tyranny of the Bangladeshi government.

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A respose by the Muslims of Birmingham,UK to the vicious campaign launched by the duth politician Geert Wilders

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A very interpersonal message to the muslims in Bangladesh and rest of the world on behalf of Struggle for Islam in Bangladesh page. Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/muslimsinBD Twitter @muslimsinBD

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Let’s look at Word Association. When we mention the word “Biryani”, What comes to mind? Perhaps food, rice, spicy, indian, etc. When mention the word “Duck”, What Comes to mind? Perhaps Quack, Water,Bird, etc. We…

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Reflections on New Zealand Massacre: “And they had no fault except that they believed in Allah” This incident should neither terrify nor weaken the Muslims, rather it should reinforce our perseverance, patience and drive to…

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An in-depth analysis of how the Prophet Muhammad (saw) overcome the challenges in Medina and established a strong State. Journey with us as we examine each of the challenges and the outcomes and take from…

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Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Asr which was revealed early stages of the mission of Prophet(sas).

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