Who Am I? Claiming our Muslim Identity

Let’s look at Word Association. When we mention the word “Biryani”, What comes to mind? Perhaps food, rice, spicy, indian, etc. When mention the word “Duck”, What Comes to mind? Perhaps Quack, Water,Bird, etc. We…

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Our Response to the New Zealand Massacre

Reflections on New Zealand Massacre: “And they had no fault except that they believed in Allah” This incident should neither terrify nor weaken the Muslims, rather it should reinforce our perseverance, patience and drive to…

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EP 1: Seerah Sessions – Overcoming challenges in Madina – Part 1

An in-depth analysis of how the Prophet Muhammad (saw) overcome the challenges in Medina and established a strong State. Journey with us as we examine each of the challenges and the outcomes and take from…

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Tafsir Al Quran Surah Al-Asr (The Declining Time)

Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Asr which was revealed early stages of the mission of Prophet(sas).

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The Value of Destruction to Modern Islamic Scholarship

written by: Daniel Haqiqatjou (Guest Contributor from MuslimSkeptic.com) My dad has always been a very handy person and loves to take on home projects mashaAllah. When I was young, he would try to get me to help…

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