Making sense of the Coronavirus Panic

Crises such as the Coronavirus pandemic test our Imaan and our belief in Allah (swt). The speaker analyzes the recent panic and actions of the Muslims and provides profound guidance on the Muslim response.  …

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Treaty of Al Hudaybiyah and Hilf ul Fudul

These days we see a disturbing trend where Muslim leaders are willing to compromise any of the hukum (commandments) of Allah(swt), in order to make peace treaties to give up Palestine, Kashmir and most recently…

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Overcoming Sadness, Sorrow, and Depression in light of World Affairs

Muslims & non-Muslims, youth and old are all experiencing feelings of despair, anxiety and a general feeling of hopelessness in light of the world affairs. The speaker explains how Islam provides humanity a comprehensive mechanism…

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Reflections on Surah Al-Buruj – The boy who spoke the Haqq (truth) & the baby who asked his mother to endure the torture

As presented by the stories in Surah Al-Buruj, the speaker relects and empowers the youth about the test of steadfastness for those in pursuit of Haq (truth) to aquire Sabr and to become strong in…

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Proactive strategies towards working for the mission of the Prophet Muhammad(saw)

Attaining an understanding of the strategies one needs to work for the mission of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) begins with an analysis of the Seerah of the Prophet(saw). The speaker provides deep insight into the strategies…

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Can we Question our Muslim Scholars?

The speaker answers the profound question on whether we Muslims can question our Scholars or should we follow them without account.                            …

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Raising Muslim Children in the World Today

Staggering statics point to serious problems facing youth in the United States as well as around the world. Be aware that Muslim Youth are not immune to the ills of the society we live in….

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A Message from the Prophet(saw) for the Muslims of India

During these times of difficulties for the Muslims of India, the khateeb reminds us of the examples and advices of the Prophet (saw) on how seek the solution for the problem.        …

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The Promise of Allah(swt) and the Hope it Radiates for our Ummah

The creed of ‘la illah illah Allah Muhammad Rasuul Allah’ must drive the Ummah beyond the current status quo and try to search for ending this miserable situation the Ummah is in. Victory is for…

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Understanding Secularism and Democracy as a Muslim

A comprehensive understanding of secularism and democracy are provided to eliminate the confusion Muslim’s have today about participation and supporting these ideologies. The speaker reminds us of the comprehensiveness of the Deen of Islam to…

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