Cornovirus #5- The Impact on Muslim Countries- LIVE with Abu Yusuf

Taji Mustafa and Abu Yusuf discuss how the Coronavirus has impacted Muslim countries while making connections to their current economic status and political relationships with other countries. Source…

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Coronavirus and Death_Surah Abasa 33-37

With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) still running rampant, thoughts turn to our mortality. The khateeb reminds us about Surah Abasa ayats for understanding of the situation and our actions.             …

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Coronavirus #4 -Surah Ad-Duha- Quran and Hope

Br. Taji and Abu Yusuf reflect upon Surah Ad-Dhuha (The Glorious Morning Light) in light of the recent crisis of the Coronavirus.  The brothers discuss in detail for the need of humanity for hope and…

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Coronavirus #3 – If there’s a Powerful God-why has He allowed Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The question often arises from non-Muslims and Muslims alike during calamities like the Coronavirus (COVID-19) about how God would allow such an affliction on humanity. Br. Taji and Br. Sharif Abu Laith, a Pharmacist in…

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The Islamic Perspective on Coronavirus(COVID-19)- A Ray of Hope in the Face of Hardship

Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the current lock down test our Imaan and our belief in Allah (swt). The speaker analyzes the recent panic across the globe and provides profound guidance on how…

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Coronavirus #1- Dealing with Fear

With all the fear around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we can feel panicked and anxious, like our life is spiraling out of control. Dr. Wahid and Br. Taji Mustafa discuss the fear that Muslims are…

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Coronavirus #2: The Great Jumuah Debate

There has been a great debate between Muslims about the issue of closing the mosques due to the CoronaVirus. Some say its permissible while others argue that it is prohibited. Listen to this mature and…

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Making sense of the Coronavirus Panic

Crises such as the Coronavirus pandemic test our Imaan and our belief in Allah (swt). The speaker analyzes the recent panic and actions of the Muslims and provides profound guidance on the Muslim response.  …

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Treaty of Al Hudaybiyah and Hilf ul Fudul

These days we see a disturbing trend where Muslim leaders are willing to compromise any of the hukum (commandments) of Allah(swt), in order to make peace treaties to give up Palestine, Kashmir and most recently…

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Overcoming Sadness, Sorrow, and Depression in light of World Affairs

Muslims & non-Muslims, youth and old are all experiencing feelings of despair, anxiety and a general feeling of hopelessness in light of the world affairs. The speaker explains how Islam provides humanity a comprehensive mechanism…

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