Solving the Citizenship Crisis in India

The largest democracy on the planet has again demonstrated the failure of democracy by institutionally meddling in the livelihood of the people. On Dec. 11, 2019, the Government of India passed Citizenship Amendment Act. The…

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Isolate, Integrate, or Engage during the Christmas Season

Christmas is a time of the year when Muslims are under great pressure to participate in the holiday festivities. Whether its Muslim children joining in at their school play or their parents attending the customary…

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What is Hukm Shar’ai (Divine Law) –Introduction

The Hukm Shar’ai (the Divine Law) is the speech or command of Allah (swt),legislator and relates to the actions of his slaves that are accountable to Allah(swt). The criterion of what is lawful (halal) and…

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Impeachment Reflections from an Islamic Perspective

In just a few days, the US house of Representatives is expected to vote on the Articles of Impeachment. It will be the fourth time in a nation with a very short history where the…

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Understanding Taqwa & Nationalism- The Kurds and Kashmir Example

The speaker reminds us of the dangerous of Nationalism and the importance of Taqwa in light of the Muslim situation of the Kurds and Kashmir.

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WHO IS AHMAD Sh Wessam Cherkawi ISOC UNSW Islamic Awareness Week 2012

LAUNCH EVENT: WHO IS AHMAD? Sheikh Wessam Cherkawi
The Islamic Society of the University of New South Wales (ISOC) invites you to its major awareness campaign for 2012 — Islamic Awareness Week 2012 — our most exciting and comprehensive yet. We delve into the questions people have about Islam, and give you a bit of everything — Islamic history, Islamic practices, Islamic culture, beliefs, its views on women, its economics, and everything in between. Througha series of exciting talks by energetic and engaging speakers, multicultural food events, movie nights and our big final event, we invite you to open your mind, critique, inquire and learn about the way of life subscribed to by 1.5 billion.

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What has Politics to do with Tauba Baqara Ayah 30 – iHalaqa Classroom

This is based on the various tafaseer of Surah Baqarah Ayah 30.
When Allah sent Adam (as) to earth and taught him a word of repentance, Adam (as) was also instructed to act as a ‘Khalifah’ on earth, which meant taking the authority with the burden of responsibility that came with it, In fact living by the laws of Allah when exercising authority and responsibility ON ANY LEVEL is a means for forgiveness. The third meaning of ‘Khalifah’ is ‘successors’ which includes the progeny of Adam (as), and so living under Islamic rule or working to implement Islam is a mercy and a forgiveness for the ones who work for it and the Ummah.

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Timeline In Pictures – 90 Years Since The Fall Of The Khilafah

The Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) was abolished on 3rd March 1924 – This video highlights in pictures some of the key events the Muslim Ummah has been through since the shield of the Muslims fell

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The way forward for Syria Middle East Crisis London Event

The Friday evening event held by Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain on 20 September 2013 was attended by over 400 men and women, who heard lively talks and debate on the political crisis in the Middle East with a focus on Syria and Egypt.At the outset of the event, the Chair, Jamal Harwood, who is a lecturer in Finance and Economics and a regular commentator on Islamic political affairs, posed some interesting questions for the speakers: on Syria, what’s the current state of the uprising, how should we see the divisions between the US and Russia and what does the future hold for the devastated country? On Egypt, the question most commentators are asking is does the arrest of Mohammad Morsi point to the failure and end of political Islam?
Ferdeous Ahmed, a regular speaker on Islamic political affairs and a management consultant, began by highlighting the significance of Bilad Ash-Sham, which includes the region of Syria, in Islamic texts. Ferdeous argued that the uprising in Syria is different from others in the region for its very Islamic nature, which the West has deceptively portrayed as extremist. Ferdeous warned that this as well as western portrayals of a sectarian conflict in Syria was politically motivated and incorrect. In reality the people of Syria had risen up against a tyrant ruler who had oppressed the masses for many years just like his father Hafez Assad in past decades. Ferdeous recalled the nature of Syria as a police state when he visited the country in the 1990s. On the apparent divisions between Russian and the US, Ferdeous argued these were delaying tactics by the so-called international powers so that they can conspire a Western-compliant political grouping in the country, which to date they have failed to do.

Mohammad Sajjad, a regular commentator, writer and analyst of political affairs in the Muslim world, gave a lively talk of the reasons for the failures of the Muslim Brotherhood Government in Egypt. He argued this had betrayed the sacrifices and sentiments of the people who had risen and called for Islam during the Egyptian upraising. Mohammad warned that the failure of the Muslim Brotherhood Government lay in working within the corrupted system which was little different from the Mubarak era. Thus the political failure of the Muslim Brotherhood was not a failure of political Islam at all. Mohammad presented examples of policies that should have been implemented to chart a truly independent and Islamic future for Egypt.

After a question and answer session Dr Abdul Wahid, Chair of the National Executive Committee, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain, gave a short presentation of what Muslims can do here to support the people working for real Islamic political change in the Middle East. He emphasised that our duas need to be accompanied by action, which was an intellectual struggle against the demonization of political Islam in the West. The event ended with duas.

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The truth behind the struggle in Syria – Yahya Nesbit

The Syrian struggle is one that has brought to question humanity at every level and hundreds of brothers and sisters came together in the UK to address this very issue. The Syrian struggle is not just a battle on the ground. It is a battle that stems far beyond that. It is a battle and a struggle for Islam.

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