Soldiers of Allah – Battle of Badr

A analysis of the beliefs and actions of the Soldiers of the Battle of Badr. Journey through a descriptive analysis of one of the greatest battles in the history and understand how the lessons learned are applicable to solve the problems of the Muslims today.

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Sh. Nasir speaking at the #LiberatePalestine demo

Sh. Nasir speaking at the #LiberatePalestine demonstration

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Rise for Islam – Abdul Rahim – Muslim Youth Call of Duty

25th December 2011Speaker: Forid Miah
Talk: Meeting Death
2011 – The year in which the catalyst of Tunisia spread through the Middle East awakening the souls and the minds of the Ummah to a level of courage unprecedented.
Muslims across the globe have shown their courage and have not hesitated to shake the thrones of the present day tyrants.
The struggle continues between truth and falsehood but the flame that ignites this courage for the work to re establish Islam is none other than you and I.
The Call of Duty event will clarify the role and importance of the youth in establishing the deen.

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Revolutions Causes, Motivations and Reasons – Talk 1 Khilafah Conference 2012 (USA)

An analytical lecture exploring the causes, motivations and reasons for revolutions in general and the current arab uprising since 2011 in particular. The speaker looks at the socio-political-economic situations in the Muslim world and its history to explain what transpired in the Muslim world for decades which led to these uprisings and subsequent ousting of several western-backed dictators like Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, etc.Khilafah Conference 2012 (USA)
Revolution: Liberation by Revelation
Muslims Marching Toward Victory
Hizb ut-Tahrir America

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Revolution in Syria Conspiracies, Challenges and Aspirations -Khilafah Conference 2012 (USA)

An indepth insight into the revolution taking place in Syria and the current socio-political situation which can impact the outcome of the people’s struggle against the western-imposed blood thirsty tyrant Bashar Assad. The speaker exposes the conspiracies being drawn out against the people of Syria and sheds light on how this revolution is distinct with its clear Islamic call which has puzzled the western powers who are running around frantically to try and silence this call for Islam from the blessed land of As-Sham.
Khilafah Conference 2012 (USA)
Revolution: Liberation by Revelation
Muslims Marching Toward Victory
Hizb ut-Tahrir America

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Response to video insults against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Dr. Abdul Wahid (Hizb ut-Tahrir)

JOIN the Campaign:…
Insults to Islam and the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are attacks on the honor of every Muslim. This will never be acceptable as we love Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAW) more than our parents, our children and our own selves.
Furthermore, these insults are designed to cause division and sectarian strife between communities across the world by inflaming emotions and pitting neighbour against neighbour, all in the name of free speech.

This global campaign calls on all people, Muslim and non-Muslim, to join together to condemn these insults wherever they are made, expose the fact that they are designed to divide communities and also to account those with authority in Muslim lands who fail to assert their power to defend the honor of #OurProphet.

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Rally in Support of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Chicago, USA – Hizb ut-Tahrir America-Talk 2

Chicago Sep 22 2012: Hundreds of Muslims rally in Chicago downtown in support of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The speaker introduces the Non-Muslims to the values and characteristics of this great prophet and invites the Non-Muslims to research more about Prophet Muhammad (SAW) before forming any opinions and humbly invites them to study more about Islam and the Quran to learn the truth. Muslim men, women and children took part in this rally coming from all across Chicagoland and beyond. Several Non-Muslims in downtown went home with a need to know more about this man – Muhammad (SAW). The signs and banners held by the Muslims showed their immense love and respect for this noble prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him and his followers.

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Rally in Support of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Chicago, USA – Hizb ut-Tahrir America-Talk 1

Chicago Sep 22 2012: Hundreds of Muslims rally in Chicago downtown in support of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The speaker describes the characteristics of the noble prophet and condemns the continuous assault on Islamic values and symbols by the western world. Muslim men, women and children took part in this rally coming from all across Chicagoland and beyond. Several Non-Muslims in downtown went home with a need to know more about this man – Muhammad (SAW). The signs and banners held by the Muslims showed their immense love and respect for this noble prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him and his followers.

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Rally calling for the Caliphate in Homs, Syria – Footage not shown by Western media, April 2012

Inspiring chants and rally for Khilafah in Homs. The people are calling for a return to the former glory of the Muslims under the Khilafah. May Allah be with them! Footage like these are not broadcasted by the Western media outlets and this is what is really happening in Syria. Regardless of the bombs, the torture, the bullets, the mortars and the abandonment by the Muslim rulers around them, our brothers and sisters remain strong in their loyalty to Islam without compromise! Please share and subscribe to “” for upcoming videos dedicated to the revival of our Ummah.

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Rally at Al-Aqsa Mosque Calls on Pakistan Army to Liberate Jerusalem

Thousands attend Rally held at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem on 28th Rajab 1435 (27/05/2014) to mark the anniversary of the date the Khilafah was destroyed. They call upon on the Pakistani Army to come and liberate Jerusalem and save the honor of the Muslims.

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