Rally at Al-Aqsa Mosque Calls on Pakistan Army to Liberate Jerusalem

Thousands attend Rally held at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem on 28th Rajab 1435 (27/05/2014) to mark the anniversary of the date the Khilafah was destroyed. They call upon on the Pakistani Army to come and liberate Jerusalem and save the honor of the Muslims.

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PROTEST Support the people of Syria – Hizb ut-Tahrir America

People from across the Chicago land area attended a rally to support the struggle of the people of Syria against the oppressive Bashar Al-Assad regime. Using slogans and holding up signs, rally participants in Chicago were supporting their brethren in Syria will similar calls for the removal of the Al-Assad regime, the removal of Western agents and the re-establishment of the Khilafah. (Saturday, Dec 24th 2011–Chicago, IL-Organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir America–http://hizb-america.org/activism/loca…)

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Our Response to the Onslaught on Gaza

How should Muslims respond as the Israeli entity launches its latest bombardment of Gaza? Dr AbdulWahid, Hizb ut-Tahrir. www.hizb.org.uk

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Our Prophet Our Honour Message from USA Freedom to insult Islam and Muslims

Short message from Hizb Ut Taharir America about continues Insult against Islam and Muslims.

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NEIU – Islamic Awareness Night – Talk 2 (The Syrian Revolution Islamic and world Prospective)

Lecture on Syrian Revolution from Islamic and world perspective. Lectured deliver by Dr Ashraf Nusairat at Northeastern Illinois University

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Muslims in America Connected to the Global Ummah – Khilafah Conference 2014 USA

Muslims in America Connected to the Global Ummah — Keynote Speech — Khilafah Conference 2014 -Hizb ut-Tahrir America

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Muslim TV panel forum Prophet Muhammad insults and Sydney protests Today Tonight Sept. 2012

Muslim panel forum on TodayTonight (17 Sept. 2012) discussing the insulting film of the Prophet (saw) and the protest in Sydney that turned violent. Panelists: Uthman Badar, Randa Abdul-Fatteh, Maha Abdo, Joe Hilderband, Jalal, and Rebecca Kay. This is the complete unedited version of the forum. Uthman Badar (media representative of Hizb ut Tahrir) speaking at: 00:36, 08:45, 11:44, 15:15, 19:41, 26:58, 32:06, 34:54

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Muslim Community Protest for Syrian Uprising – All talks & videos [Sydney, Australia Jan 2012]

For more: http://tiny.cc/gn8ur. This is a video of the Muslim community protest for Syria held on Jan 21, 2012 at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, Sydney, Australia. This video is of the entire protest, including all talks, chanting and videos. The content breakdown is as follows:
Pictures – 0:00
Chants – 3:50
MC Intro – 6:37
Sh. Shady Suleiman speech – 11:32
Video – protests in Syria – 21:45
Video – Labbaka ya Allah – 22:40
Dr. Louay Abdulbaki speech (Arabic) – 28:10
Sh. Mostafa Mohamed speech – 42:18
Dr. Tamer Kahil speech – 56:18
Video – Zainab poem – 1:02:24
Sh. Tarek el-Bikai speech (Arabic) – 1:11:10
Sh. Khaled Taleb (Arabic) – 1:18:49
Video – Homs pledge – 1:37:39
Sh. Mustapha al-Majzoub speech – 1:41:48
Hasan speech – 1:50:10
MC conclusion – 1:58:20

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Minecraft Eid ul Adha Sacrifice 2013 Eid Mubarak

Just a way to teach my son Hamza about what happens on Eid.

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Large rally in Dagestan, Russia, in honor of the Prophet 22 Sept 2012 Hizb ut-Tahrir Russia

Rally in defense of the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Dagestan, Russia, organized by Hizb ut Tahrir Russia in Dagestan. http://hizb-russia.info

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