Khalid Ibn Al-Walid – The inspiration for the oppressed of Syria – Talk1 May 2012 Slough UK

Khalid Ibn Al-Walid – The inspiration for the oppressed of Syria – Talk1Abu Luqman Fathulla
Slough UK May 2012

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Jamal Ford – Spoken word poetry – Ramadhan Ijtima 2013

Speaker: Jamal Ford –Spoken word poetry

“This month of Ramadhan,
The month of the Quran,
The month where prophet received wahi and come with al Islam
This month, which is so blessed,
So how come, I am so stressed?
Cuz I’m done, with seeing my Ummah,
So hungry and oppressed
But this month it has a rep,
And that rep is one of struggle,
And that rep is one of victory,
Check your wonderful history
You’ll see this month of Ramadhan,
Is blessed in more ways than one,
That’s why the sahabah looked for the hottest days to fast, in the blazing sun

The last ten days are approaching us,
Have we done enough?
Have we done enough?
Strive for the sake of Allah,
Nowadays we just can’t wait for Iftar
All we think about is breaking our fast,
…As if fasting is the greatest of tasks

SubhanAllah I ask that Allah make us of those that please him,
And guide and help those that really need him
We are comfortable here, but it’s a struggle overseas,
But it’s still one Ummah, so when you hurt so de we…

I ask Allah that this be the last Ramadhan without an amirul mu’mineen,
The last month before we see implementation of Allah’s deen

Lastly I ask that Allah forgive us all our sins,
And that these last days of Ramadhan are spent for the sake of him….”

Therefore proclaim openly, that which you are commanded, and turn away from Al-Mushrikun (Al-Hijr:94)

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain: Annual Ramadhan Ijtima 2013

The Prophet’s Ramadhan – Month to Struggle for Islam

“It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.” 9:33

The Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) demonstrated that Ramadhan was the month to struggle for establishing the Deen of Allah in society and state.

The Prophet SAW carried the intellectual struggle of the Qur’an in Makkah and then the practical struggle of establishing Islam in society in Madinah and then the global struggle to carry Islam to the world.

This is the very nature of this Qur’an that Muslims are reciting every day in Ramadhan — a message of struggle against all forms of jahilliyah.

This is the Prophet’s Ramadhan and this is what the Muslims today need to emulate as an Ummah.

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Israel has full support of Saudi Arabia & Egypt and the EU

Israel has full support of Saudi Arabia & Egypt and the EU

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Islamic preacher being mocked and arrested by militants of Saudi regime.

An Islamic preacher when trying to stop the evil, has been insulted, mocked and forcibly dragged away by the Saudi military. This incident occurred during the Janadhriya in the region of Saudi Arabia. The place which happened to be a home ground for Islam preachers and Daees, now seems to be taking a huge diversion. What would you expect from a country which hastens in giving victory to America against Muslims !

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Iraq crISIS – Is the Khilafah Re-established Q&A Session

Islam’s Requirements for Khilafah State – Hizb ut-Tahrir America –For the video of the lecture please visit “Islamic State in Iraq & Sham” (ISIS) group announced the re-establishment of the Khilafah in some areas of Iraq & Syria on Sunday June 29th the first day of Ramadan. The group appointed Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (the leader of ISIS) as the Khalifah and changed its name from ISIS to “Islamic State” (IS). Later IS requested the Muslims to give bayah to Al-Baghdadi. In light of these developments Hizb ut Tahrir — America organized a lecture followed by iftar on Friday July 11th to discuss this announcement, its legitimacy and what constitutes an Islamic State (Khilafah).

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Iraq crISIS – Is the Khilafah Re-established

Islam’s Requirements for Khilafah State – Hizb ut-Tahrir America. For the video of the Question & Answer Session please visit “Islamic State in Iraq & Sham” (ISIS) group announced the re-establishment of the Khilafah in some areas of Iraq & Syria on Sunday June 29th the first day of Ramadan. The group appointed Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (the leader of ISIS) as the Khalifah and changed its name from ISIS to “Islamic State” (IS). Later IS requested the Muslims to give bayah to Al-Baghdadi. In light of these developments Hizb ut Tahrir — America organized a lecture followed by iftar on Friday July 11th to discuss this announcement, its legitimacy and what constitutes an Islamic State (Khilafah).

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Importance of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil SUMSA 40th Anniversary

Sheikh Jalal Chami speaks at the SUMSA 40th anniversary dinner, entitled “40 Years and Beyond”, on the pertinent topic of the importance that Islam places on us enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. This was a lecture organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook: @SUMSAsydney

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Igniting The Spirit Of The Dawa Carrier The Culturing Stage Tafsir of Surah Taha

Musa (as) finds himself in a dark, cold, wintery night, lost with his family and yet he sees a small defiant flame flickering on a mountain. He saw the fire an was filled by hope of supplies and directions, but rather…
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“He saw the fire and he was warmed by hope. He found a fire that warms souls and spirits as a provision for the greatest journey of all. ” (Syed Qutb). When he reached the fire: “The universe fell silent in responsiveness to this conversation. Alone in the desert, surrounded by complete darkness, in total silence.” The struggle of Musa (as) was most like ours, and his Ummah most like ours, so I hope the heart of a Dawa carriers is ignited in us just as the fire that was lit on the mountain top drew in Musa (as) to his Prophethood. I will be identifying key aspects of tarbiya which includes building a framework of thinking that all halaaqaat must have from the point of view of the teacher and the student whether a parent child situation, personal development and even in Islamic movements. I will be addressing some of the attitudes to knowledge and actions in relation to the training that Musa (as) received.

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iHalaqa Update Coming Soon, The New iPhone 5s 5c

How do you set a trend? Rasoolullah (saw) started with an idea, a set of beliefs and a vision. This idea became a reality and this vision manifested itself as the establishment of Islam in its entirety when Allah (swt) revealed the following verses: …This day I have perfected for you your deen and completed my favour upon you and chosen for you Islam as a deen… Today we have a situation whereby our ideas are murky, our beliefs are strong but our vision is blurry. Some seem to think that what we once had is far too hard to achieve once again. We do this even though we are very quick to catch on with the latest material trends in the West – take, for example, all the hype with the new iphone. However, the Muslims have started to rise. Alhamdulillah, the Muslims have started to wake up. There is a trend that is catching on quickly all around the world among Muslims. One has to ask…Are you following this trend that is the call for the establishment of Islam in its entirety?

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Igniting the spirit of the dawa carrier Tafsir of Surah Taha Extended Version

Do you give Dawah? This session explains how Allah (?) prepared his Prophet Musa to internalise the call of Islam and then how to carry it to the most evil tyrant of all time. This Tafsir of Surah Taha is essential learning for dawa carriers who engage in political and intellectual struggle while also a reminder for this who have not yet kindled the desire to take part in one of the greatest of Ibadah of the Prophets and that is to carry the dawa to establish Islam.

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