The Art of Misdirection vs Clear and Truthful Speech Al-Qawl Al-Sadeed

With recent speeches from David Cameron and Ali Goma in Egypt, I attempted to explain how to differentiate between clear and relevant speech and threatening, deceptive and saccharine words of rulers and their scholars. As Muslims it is incumbent on use to be able to differentiate between truthful relevant speech and ‘Islamic’ saccharine speech that is used to misdirect the Ummah from the vital issues.

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The Amanah of Leadership in Islam Waleed Gubara iHalaqa Classroom

Power is not more important than principle to pragmatic Muslims and this is what will lead the Ummah into further decline in Egypt, Tunisa and around the Muslim world. This is also a good reminder for dawa carriers on how to look at leadership with responsibility, sincerity and humbleness.

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Tazkiyat al-nafs Purification of the Heart Ustadh Saf Chaudrey iHalaqa Classroom

Tazkiyat al-nafs | Purification of the Heart | Ustadh Saf Chaudrey | iHalaqa Classroom

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Tawheed or Khilafah First Bida & Shirk Ustadh Mohammad Ali iHalaqa Classroom

There are many people who call for Tawheed as the solution for all our problems. Some claim that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) only preached Tawheed for 13yrs in Makkah. This is not entirely factual. Whilst in Makkah our Prophet (saw) spoke out against injustice, tyranny, inequality, political systems, corrupt economy as well as false idols like Hubal and Uzzah. However these false idols no longer exist! So what are the false ideas and injustices of today.
Speaker: Mohammad Ali
Qualified Arabic Teacher, Educated in Syria

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Taqwa Mind Your Own Business SUMSA Weekly Lectures 2012

Br. Mohamed Zaoud speaks on the topic of “Minding Your Own Business” – maintaining taqwa and chastity in today’s age. Organised by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA).
For more information, please visit:

Twitter: @SUMSAsydney

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Tajweed Training Lesson 1 Every letter is deserving of its right

Tajweed Training: Lesson 1 | Every letter is deserving of its right

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah At-Takathur – Dr. Nusairat

Tafseer of Surah At Takatur in the order of revelation by Dr. Nusairat. In this Surah Allah(swt) wanted to bring to attention that humanity at large running after this worldly gain however the focus should be hereafter and to please Allah(swt).

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Surely man is in loss! (Surah Al-Asr) –

A discussion about Surah Al-Asr. Many people say time is money, but time is not money. it cannot be regained or bought. This is by no means extensive but it should be a good supplement for those studying the subject. More detailed talks explaining the same subject and others will follow soon insha’Allah.

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Struggling for the Deen in Trials & Tribulations Challenges of the Dawah Bradford

Historically for human civilizations, shorter days and longer nights in the winter solstice was a time for contemplation, as the cold would push families together for warmth and the lamps would be illuminating the dark streets. It was a time for assessing our priorities, praying the long nights and fasting the short days and remembering Allah (swa) as often as we can. What you are feeling is from Allah, today we are made to think Coca and Christianity came up with Winter, they have branded it, but no Allah has given us this precious time…

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Social Justice in Islam – Dr. Ashraf Nusairat (University of Wisconsin)

Dr. Ashraf delivered talk in University of Wisconsin related to social justice in Islam organized by Wisconsin university of MSA

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