Q&A Riba Transactions Shiekh Abu Talha

Q&A: Riba (Interest) Money to help Poor? Can you help others with the money you incur through Interest (Riba)? 401 contributions?

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Q&A Home Financing and Partnership in Islam Sheikh Abu Talha

Question and Answers related to Islamic Financing, Partnership and credit card use by Sheikh Abu Talha

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Purification of the Heart by Ustadh Saffaruk Choudhury

A discussion on the Purification of the Heart by Ustadh Saffaruk Choudhury

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Prophets of Islam Abraham, Moses, Jesus SUMSA Islamic Awareness Week 2012

Br. Mustafa Arja discusses the position that Abraham, Moses and Jesus hold in Islam, and why they were prophets of Allah preaching the monotheism of Islam, using references from both the Old Testament and New Testament, as well as the Qur’an. This lecture was a part of Islamic Awareness Week 2012 at the University of Sydney, organized by the Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA). For more information, please visit: Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUMSAsydney
Twitter: @SUMSAsydney
Website: www.sumsa.org.au

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Political System of Islam – By Dr. Malkawy (Abu Talha) – Part 1

Political system of Islam is the most misunderstood idea and many Muslims distance even the word Politics from Islam. Unknowing the fact that political system in Islam is to deliver justice to mankind and its the main system that enables all the aspects of Islam and organizes the people affairs according the rules of Allah(swt). In this first part of the lecture Dr. Malkawy introduces the political system of Islam and compares with other systems of politics specially the “Civil Political system”.

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Patience of a Believer in Ramadan

Ramadhan is a time when a believer is constantly tested with one’s sabr. As a result, we often see people forget to exercise sabr and, thus, fail to build themselves on an aspect which is an integral part of one’s Iman.The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Strange is the affair of the mu’min (the believer). Verily, all his affairs are good for him. If something pleasing befalls him he thanks (Allah) and it becomes better for him. And if something harmful befalls him he is patient (saabir) and it becomes better for him. And this is only for the mu’min.”

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Parenting Setting Bounderies and Nurturing in Islam

The responsible shepherd’ regarding the importance of parenting and good governance in the home (Dar) and over the family (Qaum) as well as on a societal level. I discussed that masooliyya (being responsible) and riaayah (shepherding) consist of the need to nurture, develop and rear the marouf and to restrict, limit (Hudood) and have boundaries to protect from munkar. I then asked he audience that if the home would be in such a mess with a ‘shepherd’ what of a shepherdess Ummah without the sharee’ah and it’s Hudood, to protect and nitre the affairs of people? Abdullah bin Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. Surely, every one of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock.”
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This will happen…

The Prophet said what would happen:
“A time will come when the nations (of the world) will surround you from every side, just as diners gather around their prey….”

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NEIU – Islamic Awareness Night – Talk 2 (The Syrian Revolution Islamic and world Prospective)

Lecture on Syrian Revolution from Islamic and world perspective. Lectured deliver by Dr Ashraf Nusairat at Northeastern Illinois University

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NEIU – Islamic Awareness Night – Talk 1 (Economic Justice in Islam)

Lecture given by Dr. Malkawi at Northeastern Illinois University on the topic of Economic Justice in Islam.

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