Taraweeh Teachings Day 26- I Wish I Had Done More
March 27, 2025
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Name The Surah takes its name from the word al-waqi`ah of the very first verse. Period of Revelation According to the chronological order that Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas has given of the Surahs, first Surah Ta Ha…
Keep Reading ->Name This Surah is entitled Al Mujadalah as well as Al Mujadilah, the title being derived from the word tujadiluka of the very first verse. As at the outset mention has been made of the woman who pleaded with the…
Keep Reading ->Name The Surah derives its name from the mention of the word al-hashr in verse thereby implying that it is the Surah in which the word al-hashr has occurred. Period of Revelation Bukhari and Muslim contain a tradition from Hadrat Sa’id bin…
Keep Reading ->Name The Surah takes its name from the very first verse Wan shaqq al-Qamar, thereby implying that it is a Surah in which the word al-Qamar has occurred. Period of Revelation The incident of the shaqq-al-Qamar (splitting of…
Keep Reading ->Name The Sarah derives its name from the very first word wan Najm. This title also does not relate to the subject matter, but is a name given to the Surah as a symbol. Period of…
Keep Reading ->52. Surah At Tur (The Mount) Name It is derived from the very first cord “Wat Tur-i.” Period of Revelation From the internal evidence of the subject matter it appears that this Surah too was…
Keep Reading ->1. Surah Al Fatihah (The Opening) Name This Surah is named Al-Fatihah because of its subject-matter. Fatihah is that which opens a subject or a book or any other thing. In other words, Al-Fatihah is…
Keep Reading ->Name It is derived from the very first word wadh-dhariyat, which implies that it is a Surah which begins with the word adh-dhariyat. Period of Revelation The subject matter and the style clearly show that it was…
Keep Reading ->Name This Sarah takes its’ name from verse 112 in which the word mai’dah occurs. Like the names of many other surahs, this name has no special relation to the subject of the Surah but has…
Keep Reading ->Name The Surah takes its name from V. 98, in which there is a reference to Prophet Yunus (Jonah). The name, as usual, is symbolical and does not indicate that the Surah deals with the…
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