Seerah 43: Aftermath of the Conquest of Makkah and the Battle of Hunain

The conquest of Makkah shocked both the Arabs and other tribes who realized that they were doomed and had to submit to the new situation leaving them with no option but to accept it. However,…

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Reflections on Muharram & The Tragedy at Karbala

In this month of Muharram like in any month of the year, there are many important events that took place from which the Muslim generations can learn many lessons. However, today we are going to focus on one of the most important events that took place in this month and on the 10th day of Muharram, and that is the shahdah of the grandson of Rasulallah (saaw), Hussain ibn Ali (rz) and his family and friends at the hands of other Muslims. This event and the incidents that led up to this tragedy needs to be reflected upon by every Muslim of all times so we can learn valuable lessons from it and refresh our commitment to the obedience of Allah (swt).

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Seerah 42: Conquest of Makkah Part 2

In part two of the great Conquest of Makkah, the speaker dwells into the specific actions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)’s actions after entering Makkah after the conquest. Join a breathtaking account of the series…

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Seerah 41: Conquest of Makkah Part 1

The great victory for Muslims was the conquest of Makkah, the largest stronghold of the Kufaar at the time.  The Muslim army numbering ten thousand set off from Madinah to conquer Makkah. They eventually reached…

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Hajj:The Pillar & Structure of Islam

Sadness fills our heart as we see the house of Allah scarcely populated during this years Hajj. When we conceptualize the structure of the house of Allâh (ﷺ), with pillars, walls, and so on, we…

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Seerah 40: Minor Ghazawat – Umrah – the Battle Mutah

Having subdued two powerful sides of the Confederates coalition, the Prophet (ﷺ) started preparations to discipline the third party, i.e. the desert Bedouins, who took Najd for habitation, and continued in their usual practices of…

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Seerah 39: Carrying of the Message of Islam outside the Arabian Peninsula

Late in the sixth year A.H., on his return from Hudaibiyah, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) decided to send messages to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam.   An in-depth look at the wording and…

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Seerah 38: Aftermath of Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and Battle of Khaybar

Al-Hudaibiyah Truce marked a new phase in the process of Islamic action and life of the Muslims.  A series of events confirmed the profound wisdom and splendid results of the peace treaty which Allâh (ﷺ)called…

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Seerah 37: The Treaty of Hudaibiyah (Al-Hudaybiyah)

The illuminating account and analysis from Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah establishes many lessons for Muslims today as they proceed towards carrying the message of Islam to the world.           – –  

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Seerah 36: The Battle of Banu Mustaliq and Treacherous Role Munifiqeen

Though militarily it did not assume its full dimension, the Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah had certain implications that brought about a state of turbulence within the Islamic State, and resulted in disgracefulness to the hypocrites….

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