Seerah 26: The Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr is the most important battle in the history of Islam, for through it, Allah (swt) glorified Islam and Muslims and humiliated Kufr and those who follow it. Badr was the day…

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Seerah 25: Lessons learned leading to the Battle of Badr

The speaker reminds us of the visionary leadership and brave fighting men that led to victory in the Battle of Badr.  In this first part, the speaker takes us through a detailed explanation of the…

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Seerah 24: Pre-Ghazwatul Badr

Join as the speaker describes the building of the state by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and expand the call to Islam. Learn how as a ruler, the Prophet (ﷺ) made treaties with the Jews of Madinah and…

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Seerah 23: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) as a Ruler

Soon after emigrating to Madinah and making sure that the pillars of the new Islamic State were well established on strong bases of administrative, political and ideological unity, the Prophet (ﷺ) commenced to establish regular…

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Seerah 22: Building a New Society in Madinah

The first task to which the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) attended on his arrival in Madinah was the construction of a Mosque, in the very site where his camel knelt down. In Islam, the mosque is a…

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Seerah 21: Understanding the Status Quo of Madinah on the migration (hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

On the arrival of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), he and the Companions faced a situation quite different than the oppression experienced in Makkah. In Madinah, all the affairs of their life rested in their…

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Seerah 20: The treacherous journey (Hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Makkah to Madinah

Having a bounty set by the Quraish of 100 camels for the capture of the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) on the migration (Hijrah) to Madinah, spurred many persons to try their luck at capturing and collecting the…

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Seerah 19: Summary of the Makkan Period

When the Messenger of Allah migrated to Madinah, the period of thirteen years in Makkah ended. It is useful to summarize this period, and gain understanding on the challenges the Prophet (saw) faced and how…

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Seerah 18: Migration of the Messenger of Allah

The hijrah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(saw) was an event we can all identify with as Muslims. It is the momentous event in the Prophet’s (saw) life, which changed the course of human history and…

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Seerah 17: Migration of Sahabah to Madinah

Uncertainty was the key element the Muslims faced when migrating to Madinah.  Aside from giving up their families, wealth and belongings, the migrant could not expect full security on their journey. Despite the grave situation,…

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