Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) Session 8 – Br. Taiseer Hussein

Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? – By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same.

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Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) Session 7 – Br. Taiseer Hussein

Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? – By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same.

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Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) Session 6 – Br. Taiseer Hussein

Series of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? – By Br. Taiseer Hussein. Allah (swt) says that in our Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? we have a example. He (saw) is our role model and a leader to follow in all our life affairs. Its crucial for all Muslims to know his (saw) mission and need to know the path he followed so we can adopt the same.

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Ramadhan A Month of Victory for the Muslim Ummah – Abu Luqman

A talk by Abu Luqman Fathullah delivered at an Iftaar event in Slough, UK on 28th July 2012.

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Ramadan & Unity The Month of The Quran & Action iHalaqa Classroom

Ramadan & Unity: The Month of The Quran & Action | iHalaqa Classroom

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Most Decisive day Migration of the Prophet (saw)

In in-dept look at the most decisive day in the life of the Muslim Ummah- the day of migration (hijra) of the Prophet Muhammad ? A study of the significance of the journey including the reason, the method, and the outcome of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad?

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Lessons from the Quran & Sunnah for the Revival of Islam -Sheikh Abu Talha

Sheikh Abu Talha in his unimitable style, using his extensive knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah and the Islamic history delivered this wonderful lecture to inspire and encourage the Muslims to look at the Quran and the Sunnah as a source of complete guidance and to learn from the life of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) to try to emulate his (SAWS) actions to work for the revival of Islam with the correct perspective towards this life and the world.

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Know Muhammad pbuh – Muslim Community Under Pressure – Working

Islam, Violent or Misunderstood?Speaker: Dr Abdul Wahid — The Muslim community is often held under the spot light and subjected to growing scrutiny and Islamophobia. With the community set to come under more pressure following recent events it is essential for our community to know how to respond.

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How Muhammad (saw) changed my life – Story of Ibrahim Karir – Revert from Hinduism

How Muhammad (saw) changed my life By Ibrahim Karir — Revert from Hinduism –Despite media propaganda and negative stereotyping against Islam and the prophet (saw), non-Muslims are discovering that broken secular societies will only be fixed by the teaching of Islam.

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Ferrari, Bugatti or Red Camel Know Muhammad pbuh

Dr Imran Waheed explains the value of the da’wah (call) to Islam. Find out more, and join the campaign

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