Bilad Ash-Sham Past, Present, Future – Talk 2 – Dr Yousaf Abu Harith

Speaker: Dr Yousaf Abu Harith -31st March 2012 -Nottingham, UKSahaba like Bilal (RA) and Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) buried in Damascus. Great scholars like Imam Al-Nawawi were Ash-Sham. Assad’s regime UN, Arab league and Western intervention. People massacred whilst calling for the removal of Assad’s regime and implementation of Islam. The tyrannical regime responds by shooting its people during Janazah prayers. The Prophet (SAW) said: “The heartland of the Abode of Islam is Ash-Sham” [Haythami]

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Beginning of Medina Period – Seerah continuation

After the migration to Medina prophet(sas) established a unique society and unprecedented Islamic bond and brotherhood. This session expands the early period of Medina

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Battle of Badr Victory from Allah(swt) — Abu Talha

Sheikh Abu Talha (Dr. Malkawy) explains the incident of Battle of Badr that occurred on 17th of Ramadan. Two years after the migration of the Prophet (sas) to Madina and establishing an Islamic State.Dr. Malkawy presents the importance of Battle of badr in the history of Islam and how it’s a decisive battle between truth and falsehood. This battle is a great lesson for all believers that Allah(swt) will provide the victory and conform that victory will come ONLY from Allah(swt), as long as we steadfast in Islam and have tawakal and call upon only Allah(swt) for help and guidance.

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EP 1: Seerah Sessions – Overcoming challenges in Madina – Part 1

An in-depth analysis of how the Prophet Muhammad (saw) overcome the challenges in Medina and established a strong State. Journey with us as we examine each of the challenges and the outcomes and take from…

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Tafsir Al Quran Surah Al-Asr (The Declining Time)

Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Asr which was revealed early stages of the mission of Prophet(sas).

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