Seerah 13: Introduction of Islam and Seeking support from Arab Tribes by the Prophet (saw)- Makkan Period

In the tenth year of Prophethood, the Prophet (saw) hastened to introduce tribes and individuals to Islam and called upon them to embrace Islam and support him(saw). This call was explicitly a command from Allah(swt)…

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Seerah 12: Year of Sorrow & Journey to Taif

The speaker recaps the hardship that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) faced during the year of grief and correlates with the hardships that Muslims are facing today in India. He draws a very distinct path to…

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Seerah 11: Boycott of Shib Abi Talib & Year of Sorrow

The leaders of Quraysh were relentless and unwilling to accept the Prophet’s (saw) call.  They were determined to rid themselves of this obstacle and contrived a plan to the the Prophet Muhammad (saw).  Abu Talib…

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Seerah 3: Pre-Islamic Arab Society

To understand the Islamic ideology that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) conveyed and the effects that this ideology had on society, it is necessary to understand ethnic, geographic, social, cultural, economic, and religious features of the…

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Seerah 10: Compromises offered by Kuffar of Mecca to the Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

The Prophet (saw) clearly rejected any offers from the Kuffar as they attempted to compromise and dilute Islam. The speaker discusses the compromises offered by the Kuffar of Mecca in context of the reality of…

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Seerah 9: Meccan Period- Migrations to Abyssenia and conversions of Umar ibn Khattab(RA) and Hamza(RA) to Islam

When it appeared that there was going to be no deescalation in the violence against and persecution of the Muslims by the Quraysh, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) allowed some Muslims to leave Makkah, and to…

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Seerah 8: Meccan Period- Persecution of Prophet Muhammad_saw & Believers

The Quraish continued the character assassination of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and quickly determined that this tactic was not working to stop the call to Islam. The believers were then subjected to punishment such as…

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Seerah 7: Meccan Period- Taking the Message to the Society

In obedience to Allah’s(swt) Command, Prophet Muhammad (saw) began openly to “warn his nearest relations”[Ash-Shuara, Verse 214]. Thus began the the call to all of the society to be changed to follow the truth of…

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Seerah 6: Beginning of Prophethood of Muhammad(ﷺ)- Makkan Period

With the following verses, began the divine mission of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and thus removed the darkness and brought the light of Islam to all of humanity. “Recite in the name of your Lord Who…

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Seerah 5: From Birth to the Prophethood of Muhammad(ﷺ)

The session highlights the significant events of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)birth right up to before he(saw) received revelation from Allah(swt).         —

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