Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Ma`un – Dr. Nusairat

Continuation of tafsir in the order of revelation with Surah Al-Ma`un by Dr. Nusairat

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Kawthar (The Abundance) – Sheikh Abu Talha

Sheikh Abu Talha explains the meaning of Kawthar and the circumstances in which this surah was revealed. He also explains how this Meccan surah providing the glad tidings to Prophet(saw) when he needs the most when the allegations from the disbelievers were at its peak.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Kafiroon – Br. Bilal Merhi

Today we are witnessing an evident clash between al Haq wal Batil, a clash between Islam and Kufr. And this clash is not something new nor suprising, as this is something foretold by Allah throughout the Quran. Br Bilal Merhi goes through the explanation of Surat al Kafiroon to depict for us the struggle that took place in the life of our Messenger Muhammad alayhi salam in order to draw lesson for us on how we need to continue in this struggle to bring back the deen of Allah and to step up to the challenge.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Inshiqaaq – Br. Moinul Abu Hamza

Introduction to Surah Al-Inshiqaaq: How to approach the Quran.-The weaknesses of Aqliyyah and the importance of Nafsiyyah
-The importance of the Quran as a companion in life and importance of seeking knowledge

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Fatiha – Sheikh Abu Talha – Part 3 of 3

Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Fatiha which was revealed during the early stages of the dawah in Makkah. In his unique style and presentation he links the message of the Quran into our current scenario and the oppression and obstacles faced by the Islamic dawah carriers which are similar to those faced by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA). He also extracts the method to carry the dawah from the way Prophet Mohammed SAW and his companions’ actions in Makkah. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Fatiha – Sheikh Abu Talha – Part 2 of 3

Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Fatiha which was revealed during the early stages of the dawah in Makkah. In his unique style and presentation he links the message of the Quran into our current scenario and the oppression and obstacles faced by the Islamic dawah carriers which are similar to those faced by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA). He also extracts the method to carry the dawah from the way Prophet Mohammed SAW and his companions’ actions in Makkah. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Fatiha – Sheikh Abu Talha – Part 1 of 3

Sheikh Abu Talha expounds on the meanings of Surah Al Fatiha which was revealed during the early stages of the dawah in Makkah. In his unique style and presentation he links the message of the Quran into our current scenario and the oppression and obstacles faced by the Islamic dawah carriers which are similar to those faced by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA). He also extracts the method to carry the dawah from the way Prophet Mohammed SAW and his companions’ actions in Makkah. Abu Talha explains the social environment of Makkah and the greater Arabia during the time this surah was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW) & compares it with the current socio-political situation in the world, especially in the Muslim world.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Falaq and Al-Ikhlas – Sheikh Abu Talha

A must listen tafsir of Surah Al-Falaq and Al-Ikhlas by Sheikh Abu Salah. He address these Surast for current contemporary situations of the Muslims. Also, clarify many misconceptions that exists within Muslim Ummah today related to Islam and specially related to black magic and Jinns.

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Tafseer Al Quran Surat Al-Falaq – Dr. Ashraf Nusairat

This is the continuation of tafsir sessions. In this session Dr. Nusairat explains in details about surah al-falaq, circumstances when this was revealed and lessons for mankind.

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Tafseer AL Quran Surat Al-Baqarah 183-185

The month of Ramadhan holds numerous blessings for the believers. Amongst them is the blessed night when the Qur’an was revealed, the month that Allah (swt) describes as being better than a thousand months: Lailatul Qadr. It is indeed a blessed night and we all attempt to seek it zealously. However, in our eagerness to seek it, many of us often forget the context of that night, the importance of that night for the whole of mankind and the purpose of Lailatul Qadr – the night where Allah (swt) made contact with mankind at a time when they were grovelling in their ignorance and layers of darkness. This naseehah highlights the importance of seeking the blessings of Islam while understanding the purpose behind the Deen and its aspects – and the danger that can befall us if we forget this. Verily! We have sent it (this Qur’an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree). And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah’s Permission with all Decrees; Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn. (Al-Qadr, s.97)

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