The Muslim World Between China & US – Adnan Khan

January 2023 began with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan closing an energy deal with China, allowing them to drill for oil in the Amu Darya region. In December 2022, China closed a multi-billion dollar investment…

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The War in Palestine Rages On – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan, political analyst & founder of TheGeoPolity, discusses updates on the invasion of Gaza by the occupying power. Source:

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The Invasion Of Gaza – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan discusses the invasion of Gaza by the Israeli military following the break of war. Source:

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How Zionists Stole Palestine – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan lays out the key events in the history of Palestine from WWI to the modern day. Source:

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Man-Made Or Natural Disaster – Adnan Khan & Yasheb Rajpur

Last week Pakistan was overwhelmed by floods, leaving countless dead, injured, or homeless. Was this caused by global warming, is it a typical natural disaster, or was it a human-made problem that could have been…

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Where Exactly Is The UK Headed? – Adnan Khan

Liz Truss was appointed to the office of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, not long after Queen Elizabeth’s death. But despite the change in leadership, trends point to Britain staying on the same trajectory…

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Planning, Plots, & Turkey’s Election – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan joins to discuss the past 30 years of Turkey’s strategy & policy. Source:

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The End Of Imran Khan Innings – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan discusses the latest arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Source:

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