Taraweeh Reflections Day 16– Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

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On the 16th night of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheik reflects on Surat Al-Anbiya’, Ayat 105-107 (Makkah Era) which addresses the difficulties and oppressions faced by Prophet Muhammad(saw) and earlier Prophets, emphasizing the significance of adhering... Keep Reading »

Taraweeh Reflections Day 4 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

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In this podcast episode, the speaker delves into the teachings of Surah Nisa and its relevance to day-to-day issues faced by Muslims. The verses discussed emphasize the importance of obedience to Allah(swt), His messenger(saw), and... Keep Reading »

Viewpoint and Lessons to be Learned from the Karbala Tragedy

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The horrific event at Karbala is one of the saddest moments in the history of Islam and it has always brought tears to the eyes of the Muslims.  On the one hand, this episode shook... Keep Reading »

Do Freedoms Protect Islam

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