Taraweeh Takeaways- Juz #1 || Ramadan 1443

Join us every night of Ramadan for Taraweeh Takeaways! InshaAllah our Taraweeh Takeaways series will allow us to learn and benefit from the Ayaat we hear recited during Taraweeh throughout Ramadan. Tonight, we start with the…

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Tafseer Al Quran : Surah Ash Shams

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Al Qadr

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Abasa (Part 2-2)

*Tafseer Al Quran : Surah Abasa (Part 2)* Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Abasa (Part 1-2)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah An Najm (Part 7-7)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah An Najm (Part 6-7)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah An Najm (Part 5-7)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah An Najm (Part 4-7)

Tafseer Al Quran: Surah An Najm (Part 4) Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah An Najm (Part 3-7)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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