Youth Presentation: Victories in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of Victory! Ramadan is the month within which the Quran was revealed. It is this month within there is a night Laylut al Qadr which is better than a thousand months…

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Seerah 37: The Treaty of Hudaibiyah (Al-Hudaybiyah)

The illuminating account and analysis from Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah establishes many lessons for Muslims today as they proceed towards carrying the message of Islam to the world.           – –  

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Seerah 36: The Battle of Banu Mustaliq and Treacherous Role Munifiqeen

Though militarily it did not assume its full dimension, the Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah had certain implications that brought about a state of turbulence within the Islamic State, and resulted in disgracefulness to the hypocrites….

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Seerah 29: Military Activities between Battle of Badr and Uhud Part 2

Continuing with the some of the incidents after Badr, the speaker discusses the assassination of Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf – a resentful Jew who was a zealous advocate of causing harm to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)…

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Seerah 28: Military Activities between Battle of Badr and Uhud Part 1

The Battle of Badr was the first armed encounter between the Muslims and Quraish. It was in fact a decisive battle that gained the Muslims a historic victory acknowledged by all the Arabs, and dealt…

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Taraweeh Reflections: Juz 5) What is Jihad?

What is Jihad? A sacred obligation often misrepresented ought to be clarified and we must unashamedly be able to expose Western methods of wars for what they truly are.            …

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Seerah 27: Events after the Battle of Badr

Several important fundamental concepts about taking actions are discussed in relation to events after the victory of Badr. The speaker discusses the event of the fighters of Badr disputing over the distribution of the booties…

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Seerah 26: The Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr is the most important battle in the history of Islam, for through it, Allah (swt) glorified Islam and Muslims and humiliated Kufr and those who follow it. Badr was the day…

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