Should Mum Take The Covid Vaccine | 5 Minute Fridays

Mother, daughter and I debate the matter of Mum taking the COVID Vaccine.   Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Pondering Surah At-Takathur- 102

Pondering Surah At-Takathur(102) Man constantly desires the accumulation of worldly wealth.  But what are the consequences of this pursuit? The speaker dwells into the aspect of accountability before Allah(سبحانه وتعالى) specially as it relates to…

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Seerah 47: The Repentance Of Ka’b Ibn Malik and His Two Companions

As soon as the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) had entered Madinah, he prayed two Rak‘a then he sat to receive his people. The hypocrites who were over eighty men came and offered various kinds of excuses and…

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