Breaking the Chains of Oppression- Healthcare, Tyranny, and Humanity’s Call

The shocking incident involving the CEO of United Healthcare underscores the public’s growing discontent with a healthcare system that prioritizes profit over human lives. Simultaneously, the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime highlights the devastating human…

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Systemic Failures in South Asia: A Call for a Comprehesive Solution- Abdul Muqeet | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |

Br. Abdul Muqeet illumates the historical and contemporary challenges faced by the Indian subcontinent, specifically focusing on India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Highlighting the shared history of over 800 years under Islamic rule, the speaker examines…

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A New Monetary Order: Petrodollar vs. Swap Lines

In this eye-opening discussion, Abu Talha guides us  into the seismic shifts in global finance, exploring the clash between the Petrodollar and emerging Swap Lines. Are we on the brink of a new world order?…

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Christ, Christmas, Capitalism – Mazhar Khan

What does Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, have to do with Christmas, much less capitalism? Well, not much. The story behind how Christmas became so widely celebrated offers valuable lessons in the kinds of…

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Honor Through Islam: Addressing the Gaza Crisis and Combating Global Oppression

“Indeed, we were the disgraced people, and Allah honored us with Islam.” This profound statement by Umar Khattab (ra) not only reflects on the transformative journey from disgrace to honor through Islam, but also sets…

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Taxation System – Shabir Ahmed

Are taxes allowed in Islam? Is there a tax system in Islam? This is a very topic that is discussed especially in the West where we are faced with many taxes that we are required…

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Capitalism & Famine

In this week’s circle, the speaker covers The subject of Capitalism and Famine. He highlights the unfair distribution of resources in Capitalism and makes a comparison how Islam dealt with famine in the past and…

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Youth Presentation: Is there income taxes in Islam?

As they say, tax is one of the very few aspects of life which are certain alongside death. Taxation is a system used to raise money in order to finance government spending in areas such…

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Women and Girls deserve Justice but who is Responsible?

Fact: We live in a WORLD where girls as little as 10 years old are pregnant. Fact: We live in a WORLD where rape, assault, and harassment is a norm for girls and women. Fact:…

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