Beyond the Calendar-Islamic Significance of Dates

We have all seen or been a part of these dates – August 14th, March 23rd, and December 16th, among others, pop up on calendars and social media. They’re more than just days; they mark…

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Eid ul-Fitr Khutbah 1443 Hijri 2022

On this joyous occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, the speaker reminds us how Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) has entrusted the Muslim Ummah with the Deen of Islam to be the ‘Witnesses to Mankind’ and to deliver unparalleled justice…

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Eid ul-Fitr Khutbah 2022

Eid ul-Fitr comes after a month on intense prayer & worship by Muslims of the World. We ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) to accept from us the fasting and qiyam and all the good deeds, and to…

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Youth Presentation: Sunnahs of Eid

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem A warm and loving Eid Mubarak from Deen One! May we all have much fun, enjoyment and ?Eidi/gifts as we gather with our family and friends during the days of Eid. Contrary…

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International Women’s day: Celebration or Sorrow?

International women’s day in which women come together globally to celebrate the political, social and economic inroads that women have made in the last century. The discussion of women’s rights began to take shape in…

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Should there be a Black History Month?

Should there be a Black History Month? The speaker discusses this question by exploring the life & mindset of Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X) upon accepting Islam. Furthermore, the speaker educates on how the Deen (Creed) of Islam ensures that humanity does not fall…

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The Meaning of Labor Day

The Meaning of Labor Day We gladly grab any opportunity for a holiday and time away from work! Labor Day (also known as May Day in some parts of the world) is one such day…

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