Chicago and other US Cities in Crisis- One Bloody Day after Another

Chicago’s violence continues at this pace, it will be unfathomable!  Other US cities are not far behind.  The county’s morgue fills up.   Children lie in coffins.   American cities face a daunting rebuilding job in the wake of the…

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Has Colonialism Ended?

On the back of the global momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement, the specter of the brutal history of colonialism has raised its ugly head. The question remains whether Colonialism is something of the…

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What is a righteous deed?

As individuals, we have goals that we seek to achieve each day of our lives, whether in our education, at work, at home, with our family or children, or other aspects of our life. Indeed,…

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Seerah 37: The Treaty of Hudaibiyah (Al-Hudaybiyah)

The illuminating account and analysis from Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah establishes many lessons for Muslims today as they proceed towards carrying the message of Islam to the world.           – –  

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Solving the Problem of Racism and Corruption -Muslims Take up the Challenge!

Solving the Problem of Racism and Corruption -Muslims Take up the Challenge! A  Muslim’s perspective on growing up in America with both the subtle and overt negative personal experiences that most African-Americans endure with systemic…

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Seerah 33: Aftermath of Battle of Uhud

In the aftermath of the battle of Uhud, the hypocrites disclosed their real intentions in words and in deeds, consequently, the Muslims got to realize the existence of those wicked elements working secretly in their…

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Seerah 29: Military Activities between Battle of Badr and Uhud Part 2

Continuing with the some of the incidents after Badr, the speaker discusses the assassination of Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf – a resentful Jew who was a zealous advocate of causing harm to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)…

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Understanding Dependence (Tawakkul) Upon Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)

Muslims were once characterized as daring, creative, able to defeat any formidable enemy, and made huge strides in opening new lands to Islam. They were undaunted by challenges, refusing to give up, back down or…

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Seerah 28: Military Activities between Battle of Badr and Uhud Part 1

The Battle of Badr was the first armed encounter between the Muslims and Quraish. It was in fact a decisive battle that gained the Muslims a historic victory acknowledged by all the Arabs, and dealt…

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Taraweeh Reflections: Juz 5) What is Jihad?

What is Jihad? A sacred obligation often misrepresented ought to be clarified and we must unashamedly be able to expose Western methods of wars for what they truly are.            …

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