Why little dawah to non-Muslims

Why and how Muslims can explain Islam to non-Muslims. London, November 2012? Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TajiMustafa Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook: www.fb.com/taji.mustafa.page

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Explaining Islam to Christians- Masjid Visit

Often times Muslims are asked by Christians our Deen (Creed – Way of Life) – Islam. Join the Sheik as he describes how we Muslims today can accurately convey Islam as did Ja’far ibn Abi…

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Youth Presentation: Be Honest With Yourself! – Avoiding Temptation & Zina

We live in a society where free mixing between men and women is the norm. In this highly sexualized society the desires are constantly triggered. This make it easy to slip, fall into haraam actions…

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No Ilah(deity) But Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)

No  Ilah(deity) but Allah What does it mean to have no ilah(deity) other than Allah  (سبحانه وتعالى)? For many of us it is about not associating partners with Allah but is this what ilah really…

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What is Interfaith Dialogue?

What is Interfaith Dialogue?  Inviting non-Muslims to Islam is a matter that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى.) has made obligatory on all Muslims. The Muslims have been doing this for fourteen centuries, and continue to call others to Islam….

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Seerah 40: Minor Ghazawat – Umrah – the Battle Mutah

Having subdued two powerful sides of the Confederates coalition, the Prophet (ﷺ) started preparations to discipline the third party, i.e. the desert Bedouins, who took Najd for habitation, and continued in their usual practices of…

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