Take a Look #5 Beirut Explosion

Ever since the inception of this artificial state, carved out of As-Shaam by the European powers with the collusion of local wannabe leaders, its short history has been about civil wars, invasions and corruption. The…

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (1/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (2/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (3/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Taxation System – Shabir Ahmed

Are taxes allowed in Islam? Is there a tax system in Islam? This is a very topic that is discussed especially in the West where we are faced with many taxes that we are required…

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Youth Presentation: Is there income taxes in Islam?

As they say, tax is one of the very few aspects of life which are certain alongside death. Taxation is a system used to raise money in order to finance government spending in areas such…

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Inauguration Analysis

One of the greatest crises confronting the US is the belief in a failing system and its leadership.  Unprincipled, unscrupulous actions have become the order of the day as seen by the actions of several…

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Seeking relief through Democracy

The speaker educates on the meaning of democracy as rulers like Imran Khan and others are seeking a permanent solution for widespread economic turmoil, poverty, blatant corruption, and distrust in government. –  

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Chicago and other US Cities in Crisis- One Bloody Day after Another

Chicago’s violence continues at this pace, it will be unfathomable!  Other US cities are not far behind.  The county’s morgue fills up.   Children lie in coffins.   American cities face a daunting rebuilding job in the wake of the…

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