Youth Presentation: COVID-19 Concerns By Youth, For Youth! – Trailer

Join us LIVE Sunday, March 29th at 5pm Central Standard Time for DEEN One?s LIVE Webcast on YOUTUBE— COVID-19 Concerns By Youth, For Youth! The COVID-19 Crisis has shaken daily routines of Youth and raised…

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Youth Presentation: Special Message: Handling the Coronavirus Panic- A Youth Perspective

In the face of this global pandemic, many Muslim Youth are seeking guidance & understanding to cope with the stress and panic that prevails. The speaker provides evidences from Islam on dealing with a crisis…

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Youth Presentation: How to Perform Eid Salah

There’s often a bit of confusion during the Eid Salah. I’m sure we’ve all seen or been in a situation with uncertainty on what the next step in Salah is. This video highlights various accepted…

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COVID (Coronavirus) Unveils West’s Mental Health Crisis | 5 Minute Fridays

Health Care Why are so many people suffering? What does Islam offer?   Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Should Mum Take The Covid Vaccine | 5 Minute Fridays

Mother, daughter and I debate the matter of Mum taking the COVID Vaccine.   Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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A Year of the Virus: A Look Back at 2020

The ongoing pandemic, political turmoil in the US, Macron’s attacks on Islam, and “peace” deals selling out Palestine. Join  host, Abu Yusuf, alongside our two guests, Jamal Harwood and Abdul Wahid, for a review of…

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COVID-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered

Covid-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered Dr. Abdul Wahid | Dr. Salman Rahman Source:

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Remembering Death and the End of Life

It’s unfortunate that a COVID-19 has brought Death and the End of this life as a reality. However, as Muslims, we are reminded countless numbers of times in the Quran & the Sunnah about the…

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Welcome to Taraweeh Reflections – Ramadan Mubarak!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Ramadan Mubarak! This year, we find ourselves facing a once-in-a-lifetime Ramadan where we are all at home, self-isolating due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The “Ramadan Feeling” has been lost…

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